In the 24th chapter of Matthew, the apostles come together to ask Jesus about His return, which we know to be the Day of the Lord,...
The Vatican, Pope Francis and the United Nations teamed up to warn the world of the effects of climate change on Tuesday, coming down firmly against...
So we see many Christian churches today, who do not rightly divide their Bibles, are teaching their people that there is no difference between the Rapture...
These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the...
In the week Jesus was crucified there are two sabbath days, not only one. You have the high Sabbath day on Thursday, which was the Passover....
"If you want to believe that Jonah was swallowed by the whale, fine, but don't demand that I believe it too". He then went on to...
Arab foreign ministers meeting in Egypt agreed a draft resolution on Thursday to form a unified military force, in a move aimed at countering growing regional...
The EU Parliament Building is the first monument representing a superstate and reveals, through its intense symbolism, hatred of religion, plans for a New World Order...
His name is Alexis Tsipras, and it seems that he meets much of the criteria of the prophesied Antichrist. He has appeared out of nowhere in...
The new EMV credit card system the U.S. is set to migrate to by October, 2015. Also going away is the ability to sign for your...
It’s not the first time Pope Francis has mentioned the 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson, but his recommendation appears to be due to the daunting...
"The just-signed treaty is of epoch-making, historic importance," Russian President Vladimir Putin said. The troika of countries will cooperate in energy, industry, agriculture, and transport.
Israel is not labeled on the map - bought by English-speaking schools in the majority-Muslim Gulf, while Gaza and Jordan are clearly marked.
A papal encyclical is rare. It is among the highest levels of a pope’s authority. It will be 50 to 60 pages long; it’s a big...
Construction on the ark itself will be completed by 2018, and will be 267 square miles in size and scope.
REVELATION: THE END OF DAYS is a gripping, dramatic interpretation of the Pretribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation that follows after it.
Daniel was given a series of dreams and visions to think upon and consider. These visions are so important that Jesus says in Matthew 24 that...
Religious leaders from a half-dozen faiths signed a new Vatican initiative Tuesday to end modern-day slavery by 2020, declaring that human trafficking, organ trafficking and forced...
So much of what happened to the people in the bible stories we read are a TYPE or a FIGURE of things that are to come....
"This has very much been an underground phenomenon up until now, but there are perhaps a 100 people with the chip in Sweden," says Hannes Sjöblad...
The Lamb opens the seals. After the Rapture of the Church, the time of Jacob's Trouble, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation, takes place on this...
Any doubt that times are changing ended with last month's Vatican synod, or church council, which brought hundreds of bishops and other Catholics to Rome for...
Tensions over the Temple Mount over the last several weeks have come against rising unrest in some East Jerusalem neighborhoods, with near-daily incidents of rocks being...
The giants of Genesis are planning on making a return in the days after the Rapture EDITOR’S NOTE: The listed date of 9,500 years old for...