“It’s not just Pope Francis, it’s the whole church throughout the world, and that is powerful,” said Monsignor John Ribat, president of the bishops’ conference of...
The three-week Vatican gathering, known as a synod, has erupted into a theological slugfest over Pope Francis vision for a more inclusive church, displaying the most...
Pope Francis has warned bishops at a global Church meeting on the family on conspiracy theories, as conservatives and liberals reportedly engage in Machiavellian attempts to...
Yayo Grassi, an openly gay man, brought his partner, Iwan Bagus, as well several other friends to the Vatican Embassy on September 23 for a brief...
Pope Francis says some amazing things, but he rarely says them in an amazing way. He speaks with a low, weak voice, mostly in Italian, and...
Everywhere he goes, Pope Francis attracts worshipful crowds of people, straining and reaching to touch any part of him as if something spiritual and holy could...
His Holiness Pope Francis will spread his message of hope, faith and unity in the form of a prog-rock-infused album titled Wake Up! this November.
What better way could Pope Francis end a "sermon" whose opening remarks call Christ-rejecting, Hell-bound Muslims our "brothers and sisters", and whose main point is the...
Pope Francis, fresh off his spectacular launch of his political career with his speech before Congress yesterday, address the United Nations General Assembly in New York...
During his speech before Congress, Pope Francis implored U.S. politicians to embrace migrants seeking to come into America.
After that stunning spiritual flop, Pope Francis then spoke about how much he wished to "enter into a dialogue" with the American people. This is where...
The Roman Catholic Church claims to have started in Matthew 16:18 when Christ supposedly appointed Peter as the first Pope. However, the honest and objective student...
If I was a Catholic who loved Jesus Christ, I would be by turns both ashamed and outraged at the shameless political maneuvering of Pope Francis....
Pope Francis, who has never been to the United States before, arrived from Cuba at Andrews Air Force Base, near Washington D.C. on Tuesday, September 22....
A United Nations official confirms that the flag of Vatican City will be raised for the first time outside U.N headquarters the morning of Pope Francis'...
President Obama will apparently test just how far Pope Francis’ notorious tolerance will go by inviting a rogue’s gallery of people opposed to Catholic teaching to greet...
The Vatican released a statement Tuesday officially welcoming the nuclear agreement between the P5+1 world powers (U.S., UK, China, France, Russia, Germany) and Iran, stating that...
Rick Warren has announced he will be speaking in Philadelphia later this month at the World Meeting of Families event to commence Pope Francis' highly anticipated...
In more than a dozen interviews, including with seven senior church officials, insiders say the change has left the hierarchy more polarized over the direction of...
Time Warner Cable is unveiling a 24-hour channel devoted to Pope Francis impending visit to the U.S., which will broadcast to 15 million households from Sept....
Pope Francis called on Sunday on every European parish and religious community to take in one migrant family each in a gesture of solidarity he said...
Pope Francis is gearing up for potentially his most politically charged trip yet, an eight-day whirlwind visit which will take him from Havana's Revolution Square in...
Pope Francis has sent his blessing to Francesca Pardi, a lesbian author of children's books dealing with same-sex families, wishing her and her wife well in...
Make no mistake about it, Pope Francis believes he has a divine mandate to continue Obama's devilish job of "radically transforming" America.