The Vatican spokesman and his deputy resigned on Monday over disagreements on strategy, ending a year of upheaval in the Holy See's structure.
Did the Catholic Church, the enemy of all Christians and Jews everywhere, change the sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday after they took over in 325...
Pro-LGBT Jesuit priest Fr. James Martin is promoting on social media a rosary with “rainbow” beads for one of the decades which are to be used,...
Referred to as the “Affirmation of Baptismal Faith,” the service invites the already-christened gender-confused to “renew the commitments made in baptism.
The Vatican’s third most powerful official, Cardinal George Pell, has been convicted in Australia on all charges he sexually abused two choir boys in 1990's
The lives of 19 religious men and women martyred during the Algerian civil war are a testament to God’s plan of love and peaceful coexistence between...
People on Twitter are calling out President Donald Trump for failing to recite the Apostles’ Creed at the funeral for former President George H. W. Bush on...
Saint Susanna Parish Catholic church in Massachusetts is using their nativity scene to promote illegal immigration by putting the baby Jesus in a cage.
Pope Francis says in a new book that men with deep-rooted homosexual tendencies should not be allowed to become Catholic priests.
On April 27th, 2014, Pope Francis held a ceremony in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican where he declared to all the world that Lucifer is...
Roman Catholic bishops from around the nation have been ordered by the Vatican not to take any actions at their annual meeting to address the sex-abuse...
America’s Catholic bishops vowed to remove abusive priests in 2002. Instead they covered up for them, and the scandal goes all the way to Pope Francis.
Pope Francis told a gathering of bishops from around the world that the Catholic Church is being persecuted through accusations from sexual abuse victims.
Commissioned by Pope Paul VI in 1963, the Papal Audience Hall in Vatican City was inaugurated in 1971. So why does it look like a giant...
On August 25, a former papal nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, released an explosive, 11-page report in which he laid out a series of...
In Poland and receiving a large book with a beaming John Paul on the cover, Pope Francis said plainly: "Pope John Paul II was a saint,...
The Vatican on Saturday announced an historic accord with China on the appointment of bishops in the Communist country that have many crying foul.
According to the revised Catechism of the Catholic Church, the death penalty now is no longer admissible under any circumstances, says Pope Francis and Vatican.
Pope Francis on Saturday accepted the resignation as a cardinal of Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, D.C. who has been at the center of...
Pope Francis gives interview with Eugenio Scalfari from La Republica where he calls for Europe to become a 'federal structure' as 'soon as possible'.
The accusations against NJ Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of sexual abuse of both young boys and young seminarians has come to light forcing Pope Francis hand.
Pope Francis urged governments on Friday to make good on their commitments to curb global warming and warning that climate change was a man made problem.
Official teaching from the Catechism of the Catholic Church boldly declares that the Christian Church is built on 'pope' Peter and not on Jesus Christ!
French President Emmanuel Macron held an "intense" meeting with Pope Francis during his first official visit to the Vatican on Tuesday afternoon. NTEB.