The live event will take place at the original Exorcist House in the suburbs of St. Louis where the infamous ritual was performed on Roland Doe...
A group unveiled an 8-foot-tall bronze statue featuring a goat-headed Satan in Detroit during a gathering that was billed as the “largest public satanic ceremony in...
The Codex Gigas is the largest surviving medieval manuscript in the world. At nearly nine inches (22cm) thick and 36 inches (92cm) tall, the book is...
Black Mass worshippers in Mexico indulge in brutal animal sacrifice, dance before burning pentagrams and disappear into a subterranean cave where solemn oaths are sworn before...
If you tuned in to the Grammys Sunday night, you may have noticed Katy Perry and pal, singer Ferras, sporting a pair of devil horns at...
Have you been fooled by this rocker, who talks about his love for Jesus, but in reality shows his love for Satan during his performances?
Madonna's demons leaped and pulsated around their matador master - and even simulated sexual acts with her - as she belted out the dance music infused...
Many of Katy Perry's biggest hit songs have to do with lesbianism, bestiality, the Illuminati, and of course, selling your soul to the Devil. Look at...
These unsettling pictures show in excruciating close-up every detail of the process, carried out at this year's Venezuela Tattoo Expo in Caracas, which bills itself as...
The Lucis Trust has been for years, the philosophical and religious consulting firm to all members of the U.N., an organization that has its roots and...
The Lake Worth, Florida City Council allowed atheist Preston Smith to lead them in the opening prayer to Satan.
And it is not confined only to an attack on Christmas. 2014 has seen an tremendous increase in the advance of the LGBT Movement's agenda, a...
Not only does Lucius II invoke graphic images of violence and horror, it places the user in the role of Antichrist.
The Florida Department of Management Services this week approved the proposed holiday display from the Satanic Temple, which a year ago was rejected because the agency...
This Halloween, a terrifying new movie based on an old board game called Ouija is being released. Please take this friendly word of warning, avoid seeing...
We are seeing an unprecedented rise in demonic symbols and signs because the Wicked One is about to take the stage. Everywhere you look, there he...
The Satanist group that will stage a controversial "black mass" at an Oklahoma City civic center has said that all 88 tickets for its Sept. 21...
Robin Williams acknowledged that he had opened himself up to transformative demonic powers that aided him on stage. Without the aid of such demonic powers, it...
What came out could only be described as demonic. Look at the look of utter shock and disbelief on the faces of not only the judges...
So do this. As you go about your busy lives, we ask you to simply look around you and notice how dark this world really is...
"Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire....
The "Deathwish" skater shoe, marketed to young teens, is quite notable because it features the Satanic Baphomet Goat's Head at the top of the shoe, as...
The Harvard Extension School Cultural Studies Club has dropped its sponsorship of a re-enactment of a Satanic “black mass” ritual, which was scheduled to occur Monday...
A Satanic Black Mass reenactment is scheduled to take place at the Queen’s Head Pub in Memorial Hall at Harvard University on May 12, with the...