Charismatic false teacher Rodney Howard-Browne told his congregation they were safe in church from the coronavirus, then told them to shake hands and hug.
Sleazy televangelist Kenneth Copeland warns followers that even if they lose their job because of the coronavirus pandemic they must keep tithing to him.
Paula White, end times heretic and false teacher, says her ministry is like a hospital and asks people to send her money for it. Think Psalm...
False teacher and televangelist Kenneth Copeland wants people to believe that coronavirus can be cured through their TV sets if they will make a donation.
Televangelist Jim Bakker being sued by Missouri AG for promoting his miracle 'Silver Solution' as something that will cure the coronavirus, it won't.
Why Aren’t Charismatic Faith Healers Like Francis Chan, Todd White, and Todd Bentley in China Fighting the Coronavirus, or at least here in the US?
End times heretic Paula White claims to have recently been transported to the Throne Room of Heaven, where she received a new mantle and anointing from...
John MacArthur, from Grace To You ministries, says that God will forgive a person in the Tribulation who takes the Mark of the Beast, but he's...
Do not believe the false teaching of 'seer' Ana Werner with her 'The Warrior's Dance' end times deception. She did not go to Heaven and come...
Laodicean pastor Rick Wiles from TruNews is not only anti-Semitic, he is falsely teaching that the Wuhan coronavirus cannot hurt someone who loves Jesus.
Prosperity Gospel phony and end times false teacher Paula White has commanded that all 'satanic pregnancies' be aborted through miscarriage.
Kanye West joining with New Apostolic Reformation at Sun Devil Stadium in Arizona for 'Awaken 2020' signs, miracle and wonders end times false revival.
Thomas Grafton stabbed 15 people in a Chanukah celebration and is connected to the Black Supremacist group Black Hebrew Israelites who preach anti-semitism.
People at Bethel Church in Redding, California are holding a prayer service asking God to raise 2-year old Olive Heiligenthal from the dead.
Joel Osteen says that being poor, broke and defeated doesn't bring any glory to God, who he says wants you to be wealthy and blessed, with...
Paula White tells Jim Bakker ‘Every treasure you give here on earth is being stored up in Heaven. There is a Department of Treasury up in...
Kanye West confirmed to appear at Lakewood Church this Sunday with Laodicean false teacher Joel Osteen. He will be performing at the evening Sunday Service.
“I have every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy.” says...
Lakewood Church confirms Joel Osteen has extended an invitation to 'Jesus Is King' singer Kanye West to attend a Sunday Service at his Houston megachurch.
Charismatic pastor and false teacher Perry Stone seen checking his phone while pretending to speak in tongues in counterfeit of the gifts of the Spirit.
Matt Brown, founding and lead pastor of Sandals Church in Riverside, California, recently defended why he uses the pagan Enneagram as a tool in his sermons.