So just as the two kingdoms are not the same, neither is the Day of Christ (for the Church) and the Day of the Lord (for...
This is not a metaphor for some cosmic happening, John is showing us that the Devil will literally bound for one thousand years while Jesus rules...
The word Jerusalem occurs exactly 811 times in 764 verses of your King James Bible, and it occurs exactly zero times in the Qu'ran. Did you...
I am talking of course about the upcoming 'Great Sign' prophecy which is set to take place on September 23rd, just 5 days from this writing.
We are not saying that Jared Kushner is the Antichrist, no matter how much he looks like a Central Casting version of the AC.
The context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist coming to power.
On May 14, 1948, U.S. President Harry Truman recognized the newly-declared State of Israel — over the vehement objections of the State Department.
The standard lazy Laodicean interpretation of the Ten Virgins is that it represents Christians who are prepared by their good works to meet Jesus.
Left Behind accurately showed that the Rapture of the Church must take place prior to the start of the time of Jacob's trouble, aka the Great...
For some reason, there seems to be a lot of debate and confusion about the nature and identity of the 144,000 mentioned in the book of...
After 7 solid chapters of judgement on Israel in the time of Jacob's trouble, God devotes the last 5 verses of Amos to describing Israel's restoration.
So we see many Christian churches today, who do not rightly divide their Bibles, are teaching their people that there is no difference between the Rapture...
His name is Alexis Tsipras, and it seems that he meets much of the criteria of the prophesied Antichrist. He has appeared out of nowhere in...
The new EMV credit card system the U.S. is set to migrate to by October, 2015. Also going away is the ability to sign for your...
It’s not the first time Pope Francis has mentioned the 1907 novel by Robert Hugh Benson, but his recommendation appears to be due to the daunting...
The Lamb opens the seals. After the Rapture of the Church, the time of Jacob's Trouble, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation, takes place on this...
President George H. Bush promoted and proudly signed the infamous Oslo Accord at the Madrid Peace Conference on October 30, 1991. The very next day, disaster...
There is no fear of God in the eyes of Israelis today. Yes, there is a form of "godliness", but the God of Abraham, Issac and...
On tonight's show we look at the coming time frame of the DAY OF THE LORD spoken of by so many of the Old Testament prophets....
In tonight's bible study, we look at the unsealing of the book of the judgments, and at the timing of when those judgments fall on those...
What may sound like a futuristic set-up is approaching faster than anyone anticipated. Welcome to the 'always on' smarthome.