On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at the rise of Antichrist and the miracles he will perform. We will also show you his...
The time of Jacob's trouble is going to be the means by which God restores His chosen the Jews people back to a right relationship to...
This is the Israel that Jeremiah saw in his prophecy, he saw Jacob whom the Bible called a deceiver, typifying the nation as a whole.
From the perspective of the time of Jacob's trouble, a.k.a the Great Tribulation, there is only one "wrath" the world needs to be concerned with. The...
For several years post-tribbers have been using the same bait and switch tactic with the term “tribulation” to deceive many Christians into believing that they will...
REVELATION: THE END OF DAYS is a gripping, dramatic interpretation of the Pretribulation Rapture and the Great Tribulation that follows after it.