President Donald Trump has decided not to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem for the foreseeable future, and perhaps for good.
On June 1, the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 will automatically take effect unless President Trump moves to stop it by signing a waiver.
On Thursday, Florida Rep. Ron DeSantis said President Trump would announce the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem when he visits Israel.
77 days after being sworn into office as president, Donald Trump authorized missile strikes against military targets in Syria.
Among other issues, they're likely to discuss Trump's controversial pledge to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
President Donald Trump told thousands of pastors he would destroy a law, the Johnson Amendment, keeping pastors from speaking politically from the pulpit.
The Psalm 83 War may be triggered when Donald Trump authorizes the moving of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Old City of Jerusalem.
God has placed His hand on Donald Trump to fulfill His will concerning Israel, Jerusalem, and the end of the world.
News headlines, both liberal and conservative, are proclaiming that a 'global shaking' has come upon the world affecting the governments in every nation.
When Donald Trump moves the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem the entire Arab world will go crazy, triggering the Psalm 83 War.
Donald Trump will be exactly 70 years, seven months and seven days old on his first full day as president of the United States.
Donald Trump is the answer of the American people to the Republican political machine, and God's answer to a wicked nation.
Throughout this entire process so far, Donald Trump has been the leader and all the other candidates have been trying to play catch-up with him. We...