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GOP Terrified That Donald Trump Might Actually Win The Nomination In 2016
Less than three months before the kick-off Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them.

Less than three months before the kick-off Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them.
EDITOR’S NOTE: If Donald Trump becomes the Republican nominee for president in 2016, I will absolutely vote for him. Why, you ask? Because if for no other reason he will shake up the status quo, get America back to business, and aggravate the fire out of the Liberals. And after 7 years of the Muslim-raised Barack Obama, that’s good enough for me. It truly is. If you’re reading this, Mr. Trump, you have my vote. Don’t quit, make America great again. #Trump2016
Party leaders and donors fear nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands.
- Visit the official campaign website for Donald Trump…
The party establishment is paralyzed. Big money is still on the sidelines. No consensus alternative to the outsiders has emerged from the pack of governors and senators running, and there is disagreement about how to prosecute the case against them. Recent focus groups of Trump supporters in Iowa and New Hampshire commissioned by rival campaigns revealed no silver bullet.
In normal times, the way forward would be obvious. The wannabes would launch concerted campaigns, including television attack ads, against the front-runners. But even if the other candidates had a sense of what might work this year, it is unclear if it would ultimately accrue to their benefit. Trump’s counter-punches have been withering, while Carson’s appeal to the base is spiritual, not merely political. Even if someone was able to do significant damage to them, there’s no telling who their supporters would turn to, if anyone.
“The rest of the field is still wishing upon a star that Trump and Carson are going to self-destruct,” said Eric Fehrnstrom, a former adviser to 2012 nominee Mitt Romney. But, he said, “they have to be made to self-destruct. . .Nothing has happened at this point to dislodge Trump or Carson.”
Donald Trump Holds Massive Rally in Burlington, IA
Fehrnstrom pointed out that the fourth debate passed this week without any candidate landing a blow against Trump or Carson. “We’re about to step into the holiday time accelerator,” he said. “You have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, then Iowa and a week later, New Hampshire, and it’s going to be over in the blink of an eye.”
According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans, who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.
For months now, the GOP professional class assumed Trump and Carson would fade with time. Voters would get serious, the thinking went, after seeing the outsiders share a stage with more experienced politicians at the first debate. Or when summer turned to fall, kids went back to school and parents had time to assess the candidates. Or after the second, third or fourth debates, certainly.
None of that happened, of course, leaving establishment figures disoriented. Consider Thomas H. Kean Sr., a former New Jersey governor who for most of his 80 years has been a pillar of his party. His phone is ringing daily, bringing a stream of exasperation and confusion from fellow GOP power brokers.
“People usually start off in the same way: Pollyanna-ish,” Kean said. “They assure me that Trump and Carson will eventually fade. Then we’ll talk some more and I give them a reality check. I’ll say, ‘The guy in the grocery store likes Trump, so does the guy who cuts my hair. They’re probably going to stick with him. Who knows if this ends?’”
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, herself an outsider who rode the tea party wave into office five years ago, explained the phenomenon.
“You have a lot of people who were told that if we got a majority in the House and a majority in the Senate, then life was gonna be great,” she said in an interview Thursday. “What you’re seeing is that people are angry. Where’s the change? Why aren’t there bills on the president’s desk every day for him to veto? They’re saying, ‘Look, what you said would happen didn’t happen, so we’re going to go with anyone who hasn’t been elected.’”
Before Tuesday’s debate in Milwaukee, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker had a private reception at the Pfister Hotel with party leaders, donors and operatives. There was little appetite for putting a political knife in the back of either Trump or Carson, according to one person there. Rather, attendees simply hoped both outsiders would go away. source

European Union
France Invokes Never-Used Mutual Defense Clause Article 42.7 To Demand War On ISIS
For the first time in history, France has invoked Article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty to demand that all EU member nations support and join them in fighting ISIS in the wake of last Friday’s deadly Islamic terror attack in Paris.

What is article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty?
For the first time in history, France has invoked Article 42.7 of the Lisbon Treaty to demand that all EU member nations support and join them in fighting ISIS in the wake of last Friday’s deadly Islamic terror attack in Paris.
Article 42.7 is the solidarity clause that states that if a member of the European Union is the victim of “armed aggression on its territory” other states have an “obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power.”
This article was first invoked at the request of the French government following multiple terrorist attacks on Paris. EU countries voted unanimously in favor.
The Lisbon Treaty also includes a “solidarity clause,” Article 222 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). This article mentions the European Union specifically whereas Article 42.7 just mentions member states. By choosing to invoke Article 42.7, France has chosen a more inter-governmental approach.
Article 42.7 is similar to NATO’s Article 5, which states that an attack against any member of NATO is considered to be an attack on all members. This was first invoked after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States.
Donald Trump
If Present Trends Continue, Donald J. Trump Will Be The GOP Nominee For President
Here we are, many months into the race for nomination, and Donald J. Trump remains the far-and-away Republican favorite. Trump is ahead of Ben Carson by nearly 10 points, with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio after that, and John Kasich and Carly Fiorina tied for last place. Is America ready for President Trump?

Donald Trump has nearly a double-digit lead over Ben Carson in the race for the GOP’s presidential nomination, a new poll says.
Here we are, many months into the race for nomination, and Donald J. Trump remains the far-and-away Republican favorite. Trump is ahead of Ben Carson by nearly 10 points, with Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio after that, and John Kasich and Carly Fiorina tied for last place. Is America ready for President Trump?
Speaking in Knoxville, Tennessee, the Donald Trump steamroller continued unabated. The lady at the beginning of this video is the 92 year old woman who registered to vote for the first time in order to cast her ballot for Trump. Her name is Beada Corum. As you listen to her talk, and see how excited she is, you come to understand how deep the well of anti-liberal sentiment is that Trump has tapped into.
- CLICK HERE to visit the official Trump site.
Donald Trump is winning not because he is a good politician, and not because he panders to the Christian Right. Not at all, Trump is winning because he is speaking the words that the majority of Americans have been saying for nearly 7 years now. He has the audacity the talk about unfettered illegal immigration, something that heretofore was the 800lb elephant in the room, and forced all candidates from both parties to talk about it as well. He speaks in glowing terms of the massive wall he will build to keep illegals out, but the American people will be thrilled if the wall that we already started finally gets finished. We need a president who loves America, and will do what’s necessary to make us great again.
With every ISIS bomb that goes off, anywhere around the world between now and November, Trump’s poll numbers will rise. Every time that Obama gives a speech on Islamic terrorism and refuses to use the term Islamic terrorism, Trump’s poll numbers rise. When Obama’s phony Iranian Nuclear Deal gets finalized, Trump’s poll numbers will rise. For every day that the 5 American prisoners remain in an Iranian prison, Trump’s poll numbers rise.
Donald Trump is not a politician, nor does he desire to be one. America doesn’t need another career politician. America needs someone who will repeal Obamacare, stop illegal immigration, stop importing fake Syrian refugees who are really terrorists, build up our military, keep us safe, continue supporting Israel, and rebuild the economy. It’s not complicated.
Is America ready for a President Trump? Yep. Long overdue.
Featured Stories
Mattel Casts Gay-Friendly Little Boy In New Moschino Barbie Doll Commercial
“Moschino Barbie is so fierce!” the boy screams as he and two female friends laud the doll, done up in designer Jeremy Scott’s sleek glamour.

The new Moschino Barbie is a huge hit and its commercial is breaking boundaries by featuring a young boy
“For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:” Romans 1:26 (KJV)
The queering of American society has now descended to the level of mentally conditioning children to accept everything from blurred gender lines to no gender lines. Mattel, makers of the iconic Barbie Doll, have cast a lisping, preening, homosexual-in-training little boy in their latest commercial. And just in time to start your Christmas shopping!
“Moschino Barbie is so fierce!” the boy screams as he and two female friends laud the doll, done up in designer Jeremy Scott’s sleek glamour. Barbie’s cellphone goes off and the little boy says, “It’s for you, Moschino Barbie,” before winking at the camera. Watch the ad below, and see for yourself:
You will notice that, in the commercial, Mattel was not content with merely casting a boy in a girl’s Barbie doll commercial. No, they cast a little boy in a girl’s Barbie doll commercial and made him lisp and preen like a homosexual fashion queen. Mattel is not selling you a doll, they are selling your children the LGBT agenda, that’s what this commercial exists to do.
Little boys all across America will see this commercial, and then copy it’s mannerisms. That’s what kids do with television.
If this world lasts for another 20 years, the next generation is going to be a freak show of transexual, asexual, multi-sexual lost and confused human beings that will have more in common with Sodom and Gomorrah than they will with the America you and I were raised in.
Every world empire that has ever existed in the annals of world history came to their crashing end when, as a nation, they embraced a culture of open sodomy. The Greeks, the Romans, all of them came to a bitter end. America will fare no better.
As the commercial says, “Moschino Barbie is fierce”, but not nearly as fierce as the spirit of wickedness and depravity that’s behind her.
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