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National Debt

Is the TeaParty Between a Rock & a Hard Place?




It is evident to me now; a TeaParty candidate is not necessarily going to be a Republican candidate. A TeaParty candidate  is different from many of the Republicans we have in office now. I consider myself to be a proponent of the TeaParty movement. I am more conservative than are my Republican leaders. I think a TRUE Republican is a conservative through and through . Some TeaPartiers have now been called Neocons meaning New Conservatives, and Libertarians as in Ron Paul supporters. If that isn’t an oxymoron I don’t know what is. It can’t be new AND conservative. To be a true Conservative is to adhere to the classics as in the rule of law, as in the United States Constitution, on social moral issues, and on an economic financial platform of less government. Some in the TeaParty movement have become staunch Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul is not a friend to Israel. I cannot personally support him. He is not a TeaParty man. He is a Libertarian. Those Libertarian ideas go too far. I believe as the founding fathers believed there is a place for SOME government in our lives just not where we are now.  Rolling back government where the Libertarians would have us go is to return to the days of the early 1800′s in America where orphan’s roamed the streets begging for bread. I do not however believe in the Roosevelt model of welfare and social services for everyone.

There is a middle ground and it is the TRUE TEAPARTY PATRIOT. I guess this is why they call it being between a rock and a hard place, but we must stay UNITED, another hurdle. If you agree or disagree makes no difference to me. This is my opinion about the matter regarding the future of the TeaParty; United we stand, divided we fall. If we are to win the election against Barack Obama we must remain UNITED we stand. We must find a uni-fer and cling to that person. We must find someone who best exemplifies our ideals which are the ideals of the founding fathers. If you are calling yourself a TeaPatry person but believe in too much government, or contemporary moral values; or if you believe ALL government should be abolished then sorry you are not a TeaPartier. Perhaps you need to look to the original Teaparty movement of 1773 then determine for yourselves…ask yourself “Am I really a believer of the Teaparty platform?” To be or not to be a TeaPartier that is the question.


Remember to post your own comments on my website as well as on facebook. I am interested to hear what you have to say about this. Am I wrong?

written by Rosie Johnson

follow me Rosie Onthe Right on facebook here

Now The End Begins is run by end times author and editor-in-chief Geoffrey Grider, and located in Saint Augustine, Florida. NTEB delivers aggregate breaking news of the day from a biblical perspective, as well as providing rightly divided and dispensationally correct teaching and preaching from the King James Holy Bible. NTEB has been in continuous operation since being called into service for the Lord Jesus Christ in 2009. We are the front lines of the end times.


Barack Hussein Obama

Obama-McConnell 2015 Budget Deal Raised National Debt Over One Trillion In Just 6 Months

Since Mitch McConnell cut a budget deal with President Barack Obama that suspended the legal limit on the federal debt until March 15, 2017, the federal debt has increased by more than $1 trillion.




In the six months that have passed since then-retiring House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cut a budget deal with President Barack Obama that suspended the legal limit on the federal debt until March 15, 2017, the federal debt has increased by more than $1 trillion.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Barack Obama in 2008 said that George Bush was “unpatriotic” because the National Debt increased 4 trillion while he was president. While Obama has been occupying the Oval Office, the National Debt has risen over ten trillion dollars. What do you think he calls that? What do YOU call it?

The Senate passed “The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015” with a vote held in the early morning hours of Friday, Oct. 30. Obama signed it on Monday, Nov. 2.

At the close business on Oct. 30, 2015, the total federal debt was $18,152,981,685,747.52. By the close of business on April 28, 2016—the latest date for which the Treasury has published the number–the total federal debt was $19,186,207,744,589.55.

That is an increase of $1,033,226,058,842.03.

On Monday, Nov. 2–the day Obama signed the Bipartisan Budget Act and thus suspended the debt limit–the debt took a big leap. It closed that day at $18,492,091,120,833.99—up $339,109,435,086.47 from its $18,152,981,685,747.52 closing on Friday, Oct. 30.

Obama says adding $4 trillion to debt is unpatriotic:

Prior to that, the part of the federal debt subject to the then-legal limit of $18,113,000,080,959.35 had been frozen just below that limit for more than seven months (from March 13, 2015 through Oct. 30, 2015), during a “debt issuance suspension period” that Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew had declared on March 13, 2015, to push back the date at which the debt limit would be exceeded.

In a July 29, 2015, letter to Speaker Boehner, Lew indicated he was planning to extend the then-ongoing debt issuance suspension period, and explained its basic operations.

“On March 16, 2015, the outstanding debt of the United States reached the statutory limit,” Lew wrote. “As a result, Treasury had to begin employing extraordinary measures to continue to finance the government on a temporary basis. These measures, which we have used in previous debt limit impasses, include a debt issuance suspension period with respect to investment of the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund and suspension of the daily reinvestment of Treasury securities held by the Government Securities Investment Fund of the Federal Employees’ Retirement System Thrift Savings Plan. The debt issuance suspension period currently lasts until July 30. Tomorrow, I expect to extend the debt issuance through October 30.”

According to the official summary of the law, Section 901 of the “Bipartisan Budget Act,” which Congress passed on Oct. 30 and Obama signed Nov. 2, provided that the “public debt limit is suspended through March 15, 2017.”

The $1,033,226,058,842.03 increase in the debt in the six months since then equals approximately $6,828 for each of the 151,320,000 persons whom the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated had a full or part-time job in the United States as of this March. source

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Barack Hussein Obama

GAO Says Obamacare Will Be Responsible For Pushing National Debt To $30 Trillion In Ten Years

The federal government will be flirting with $30 trillion in debt within a decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, blaming an aging population, new spending and tax cuts approved on Capitol Hill, and the growing burden from Obamacare for erasing the progress Washington had made over the past few years.




Feds foresee $30 trillion debt, blame looming tax hikes and Obamacare

EDITOR’S NOTE: When the “not Muslim” Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, he lambasted George Bush for adding $4 trillion to the National Debt, calling it an “unpatriotic” action. Since that time, Obama has personally added over $8 trillion to the debt PLUS another project $13 million by 2026 bringing the total to a poverty inducing $30,000,000,000,000.00 dollars when all is said and done. This will be the true legacy of Barack Hussein Obama.

The federal government will be flirting with $30 trillion in debt within a decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, blaming an aging population, new spending and tax cuts approved on Capitol Hill, and the growing burden from Obamacare for erasing the progress Washington had made over the past few years.

Analysts said Obamacare will chase more workers out of the labor force over the next five years, adding pressure to an economy still struggling to spring to life more than seven years into the Obama “recovery”.

Obama Said George Bush Adding $4 Trillion To Debt Was Unpatriotic

The Affordable Care Act itself is still struggling to attract a customer base, the CBO said, lowering its estimate for the number of people who will sign up for the exchanges from 21 million to 13 million — a drop of nearly 40 percent in projections. Customers collecting taxpayer subsidies this year will be 11 million, down from the 15 million the CBO projected a year ago.

The grim news comes with less than a year left for President Obama to put the law on firmer footing as he seeks to head off what is likely to be a last effort at repealing the act after November’s elections.

The economic front is somewhat brighter for Mr. Obama, who seven years into the recovery will finally see significant sustained growth of 2.5 percent this year and 2.6 percent next year, the CBO said.

That will be followed by a cooling off, with growth dropping below 2 percent in 2019 and 2020. The economic gains will continue to go disproportionately to the wealthy, helping boost income tax revenue but limiting payroll taxes, which will put even more pressure on the entitlement programs that are driving up deficits. source

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House Republicans Give Obama Blank Check To Send National Debt Skyrocketing

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) were among only 28 Republicans who voted with 193 Democrats on the clean debt ceiling hike. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had insisted that the debt ceiling be raised by February 27 if the nation did not want to face default.




Before the House voted to raise the debt ceiling without any spending reductions or restorations of the military pension cuts Tuesday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) reportedly warned her members not to act like Seattle cornerback Richard Sherman and taunt the “mediocre” GOP leadership for caving.

According to the Washington Post, though Pelosi remained coy before the vote about whether she could deliver enough Democrats to pass the the clean debt increase, behind closed doors Pelosi and her lieutenants “instructed rank-and-file members, ‘don’t gloat, take it in stride and hang together.'”


If you haven’t yet figured it out, both side of the aisle are equally corrupt. Your vote is meaningless, and the fatcats get fatter as they laugh at the stupidity of the American people in closed-door meetings behind our backs

In the end, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) were among only 28 Republicans who voted with 193 Democrats on the clean debt ceiling hike. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew had insisted that the debt ceiling be raised by February 27 if the nation did not want to face default.

House Republicans had always insisted any increase in the debt ceiling be accompanied by “spending cuts and reforms in equal or greater amount to the increase.” However, after Boehner decided to reverse course Monday and not even tie the restoration of cuts to veterans’ pensions to the increase in the debt ceiling before Tuesday night’s vote. Breitbart News Washington Editor Jonathan Strong simply wrote, “The Boehner Rule, RIP.” Earlier in the day, the House passed a bill to restore the pension cuts for military veterans by a 360-90 vote and sent it to the Senate for further consideration.

The debt ceiling bill will also go to the Senate, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said Tuesday evening that he will object to raising the debt ceiling by a simple majority, which would allow the 55 senators that vote with Democrats to pass the bill without one Republican vote.

Cruz said that since the “debt ceiling has proven the most effective leverage for reining in spending” on at least 28 occasions in which “Congress has attached meaningful conditions to debt ceiling increases,” he intends to “object to any effort to raise the debt ceiling on a 50-vote threshold.”

I will insist instead on a 60-vote threshold, and if Republicans stand together we can demand meaningful spending restraint to help pull our nation back from the fiscal and economic cliff,” Cruz said.

Cruz noted that Obama is asking for “yet another blank check to keep increasing our debt without doing anything to reform Washington’s spending problem,” even though the national debt has increased from $10 trillion to $17 trillion under him.

“If you ask anybody outside of Washington whether we should keep increasing the debt ceiling without fixing the underlying problem of out-of-control spending, the answer is, ‘of course not,'” Cruz said. “This answer cuts across party lines and ideology – outside the Beltway, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and Libertarians all agree that living within your means is basic common sense. And yet Washington is not listening to the American people.” source – Breitbart

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