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Liberals Are Pressing Hard To Make Pedophilia Legal In Preparation Of Sharia Law In America

The goal of hardcore Liberals in America is to institute Sharia Law, but before they can do that they have to legalize and normalize pedophilia for Muslims.




The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood and all of its minions, is world domination. That is, to instate Sharia law in every country. We are seeing this in America right now. The Islamization of Dearborn is so blatant, that Americans tread lightly there, and some are in a constant state of fear. We are seeing it in Texas.

UPDATE MAY 20 2019: This article was written exactly 4 years ago today. So where do we stand on the subject of Liberals, Islam, pedophilia and Sharia Law? It’s worse than you might think. True, the Islam-loving Barack Hussein Obama is no longer president, Donald Trump is. But the wheels set in motion during Obama’s presidency remain largely in motion in 2019. In just a few short years, the Democratic Party has gone waaaay to the Left and become Socialist, and already elected two Muslim women to Congress who hate the Jews and hate Israel. The LGBTQ+ is more aggressive than ever, and with each passing day grow closer to adding the ‘P’ for pedophile to their umbrella of protection. Sadly, we have moved closer to what we warned you about in this article, much closer. 

Original article from 2015 follows here below:

I know that the greater percentage of readers of NTEB are Christian, and the content of that article was so disgusting – I told people to stop reading if they could not handle knowing what the Muslims do. It’s all from the Qu’ran. Muhammad literally wrote the book on perversion.

I wrote on the practice of Islamic female genital mutilation. I also wrote about grown men having sex or foreplay with girls younger than nine years old. Oh yes! Even the Ayatollah summed up the guidelines of how men are to derive sexual pleasure with young girls and boys according to their book:

“A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister… It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband’s house, rather than her father’s home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven.” Tahrirolvasyleh, fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990


This is the real Islam that they try to keep secret.

After reading that, can you understand that men in Islamic culture, consider boys, girls and women to be “property” and not a person. And can you believe that the greatest cheerleaders of these perverts are the liberal press and our liberal politicians? Liberalism IS a mental disorder. I’m convinced of that.

Sharia Law

Ok, now stay with me: The goal of the Muslim Brotherhood and all of its minions, is world domination. That is, to instate Sharia law in every country. We are seeing this in America right now. The Islamization of Dearborn, MI, AKA Dearbornistan, is so blatant, that Americans tread lightly there, and some are in a constant state of fear. We are seeing it in Texas. There are outcries by Americans, but the Islamists are bound and determined to see America with Sharia law in all 50 States.

But in order to achieve this lofty goal of Sharia Law, something MUST be done about those pesky pedophilia laws in every state. Enter NY Times.

“Hey remember when crazy right wingers predicted that gay marriage would lead to legalizing polygamy? Well that happened. Also they predicted that the next step would be to seek the same civil rights protections for pedophiles. And that’s happening in no less a forum than the New York Times which couldn’t find any terrorists to slot into its op-ed page and went with pedophilia instead.

How can you possibly make child rape sympathetic? Liberals always find a way.

Think back to your first childhood crush. Maybe it was a classmate or a friend next door. Most likely, through school and into adulthood, your affections continued to focus on others in your approximate age group. But imagine if they did not.

By some estimates, 1 percent of the male population continues, long after puberty, to find themselves attracted to prepubescent children. These people are living with pedophilia, a sexual attraction to prepubescents that often constitutes a mental illness.

This is so dishonest on so many levels that if boggles the mind. Pedophilia isn’t some sort of delayed development. Like rape, it’s about power. It’s not a mental illness. No more than homosexuality is. Framing it this way suggests that it’s something everyone grows out of.

But this is the liberal playbook.

1. Make evil seem relatable and sympathetic

2. Project its actions as uncontrollable due to persecution

3. Suggest that understanding evil will prevent it from committing more abuses

All three are present here.

A second misconception is that pedophilia is a choice. Recent research, while often limited to sex offenders — because of the stigma of pedophilia — suggests that the disorder may have neurological origins.

Well if it’s not a choice, then it’s not a crime. Men with pedophilia are three times more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous, a finding that strongly suggests a neurological cause.

Gays are also more likely to be left-handed. But assuming that there’s a neurological cause confuses correlation with causation at best. Without legal protection, a pedophile cannot risk seeking treatment or disclosing his status to anyone for support. He could lose his job, and future job prospects We should make a sitcom to teach people to accept them.



There’s no question that the extension of civil rights protections to people with pedophilia must be weighed against the health and safety needs of others, especially kids. It stands to reason that a pedophile should not be hired as a grade-school teacher.

Oh, you kidders. Ten years from now they’ll have to hire them or be sued for discrimination. Twenty years later, Disney will punish employees who work in the boy scouts because they won’t let pedophiles become Scoutmasters.

We already saw this movie. We know how it ends.

The direct-threat analysis rejects the idea that employers can rely on generalizations; they must assess the specific case and rely on evidence, not presuppositions. Those who worry that employers would be compelled to hire dangerous pedophiles should look to H.I.V. case law, where for years courts were highly conservative, erring on the side of finding a direct threat, even into the late 1990s, when medical authorities were in agreement that people with H.I.V. could work safely in, for example, food services.

So we shouldn’t worry that courts will force schools to hire pedophiles as teachers because they forced cafeterias to hire workers with HIV?

Arguing for the rights of scorned and misunderstood groups is never popular, particularly when they are associated with real harm. It’s always popular when you’re a liberal. Unlike arguing for the rights of children abused by the liberal victim of the month.

The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibit discrimination against otherwise qualified individuals with mental disabilities, in areas such as employment, education and medical care. Congress, however, explicitly excluded pedophilia from protection under these two crucial laws.



Okay I’m done. Will the last one still subscribing to the New York Times please use it to clean this up. Now the New York Times chose to run this, but censored McCain’s op-ed when he was running against Obama. That says it all. [1] – source

So you see, this is the newest liberal goal. They must make pedophilia a choice, not a crime! These knuckleheads are so pro Muslim/Sharia law/and Jihad, they are willing to allow these twisted, animalistic perverts, to hurt our children for the sake of their great cause. The liberals are completely duped into believing that the jihadist Muslims love them, because they speak for them.

What a surprise it will be, when the liberal press and politicians are thrown to their knees and hear the words “Submit or die!” All we can do at this point is get on OUR knees and pray to our Lord that He might give America one more chance.

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

Please continue to pray for us, and for wisdom for me especially, as we continue taking steps to print the NTEB branded King James Bible for our free Bible and Bibles Behind Bars program. It is exciting and intimidating at the same time. If the Lord has prospered your financially, we ask you to donate to help us continue to send out free Bibles at this level, and even higher than we are at the moment. It takes a lot of prayer, and a lot of resources to do all this. Praise the Lord we are doing it, all of us together, labouring in the Lord’s harvest field. TO THE FIGHT!!!

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.

But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB


FIGHT TO THE END: China Tells Trump That They Are ‘Ready For War’ With America Whether It Be Over Tariffs, Trade Or Any Other Type Of Battle




China says it is ‘ready for war’ with America as it raises defence spending and imposes retaliatory tariffs on US imports.

The only problem with talking tough is that at some point, somebody will take you up on it, and today Communist China has issued a statement saying they are not afraid of any type of war that President Trump and his administration may wish to engage in. China has the second largest military defense spending budget in the world, second only to America. China also has the world’s largest standing army with just under 3 million soldiers, nearly triple the size of America’s military. Fun fact, 2025 is the Chinese Year of the Snake, and that’s the memo.

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.” Revelation 16:12 (KJB)

Donald Trump has burst back into the Oval Office, raring to go and take on the world, and he was settled on a “slash and burn” approach to making it happen. That makes for great headlines, it doesn’t necessarily make for good foreign policy. Putting tariffs on countries like Canada and Mexico is one thing, doing it to China is something else entirely. As we told you yesterday, over in Europe they have begun to prepare for the global conflict that just about everyone concedes as inevitable. Is it? Sure looks that way. Wars and rumours of war are everywhere you look, exactly as your King James Bible tells you it will be in the time of the end. You are here.

China says it is ‘ready for war’ with America

FROM THE TELEGRAPH UK: In a direct threat to Donald Trump, China’s representatives in America said: “If war is what the US wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end.” The US has hit China with 20 per cent tariffs in response to what the White House considers to be Chinese inaction over the flow of fentanyl into America. Beijing has responded by announcing plans to boost defence spending by 7.2 per cent and to hit the US with reciprocal tariffs of 10 to 15 per cent on certain imports from March 10.

The fiery language comes as China’s top legislature met for annual “Two Sessions” meetings in Beijing, where plans to boost defence spending by 7.2 per cent were revealed. The rise in spending is equal to the jump last year and takes the official budget to roughly 1.78 trillion yuan (£190 billion), as China pursues the goal of Xi Jinping, its president, to build a modern military by 2027.

On Wednesday, Li Qiang, China’s premier, vowed there would be “all out efforts” to hit the target in his annual address to the legislature, adding that Beijing “will step up military training and combat readiness so as to firmly safeguard China’s sovereignty, security and development interests”.

The Asian superpower has stoked alarm with increasingly aggressive moves in Asia and the Pacific – including recent live-fire drills off the Australian coast, military exercises close to Taiwan and Vietnam and confrontations with the Philippine coast guard in the South China Sea. Japan, South Korea and India have all criticised the projections of military might.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that China is developing a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which would be larger and more advanced than any vessel in its fleet, in an attempt to rival the US. Although Beijing has the second-largest military budget in the world, however, it remains dwarfed by American spending – even accounting for Mr Trump’s plans to cut the budget by eight per cent over the next five years.

The US military budget for 2025 stands at around $850 billion (£662 billion). Although the Pentagon says China spends more than it publicly declares – up to $450 billion, when items listed in other budgets are included – the official sum still represents less than two per cent of GDP, which is below Sir Keir Starmer’s proposed spend of 2.5 per cent. Analysts have cautioned that despite the strong rhetoric, China is not yet actively gearing up for war. Beijing’s strong language was triggered by the Trump administration’s new tariffs, which also hit Mexico and Canada and came into force on Tuesday. READ MORE

China says it is ‘ready for war’ with America on any level

Donald Trump has admitted his tariffs on major trading partners will cause “a little disturbance” – as China said it was “ready” for “any type of war” with the US. The US president made his comments in an address to Congress, hours after the levies on imports came into effect. The Chinese embassy in the US posted on X: “If war is what the US wants, be it a tariff war, a trade war or any other type of war, we’re ready to fight till the end.”

Now The End Begins is your front line defense against the rising tide of darkness in the last Days before the Rapture of the Church

When you contribute to this fundraising effort, you are helping us to do what the Lord called us to do. The money you send in goes primarily to the overall daily operations of this site. When people ask for Bibles, we send them out at no charge. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. We have a Gospel Billboard program. We are now broadcasting Bible studies, Podcasts and a Sunday Service 5 times a week, thanks to your generous donations. All this is possible because YOU pray for us, YOU support us, and YOU give so we can continue growing.


But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

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NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The Acts Of The Apostles Otherwise Known As The Book Of Acts Part #1




The Acts of the Apostles, also known as the Book of Acts, shows you the life and ministry of the apostles of Jesus including the one who is “born out of due time”, the apostle Paul

Tonight we start our comprehensive look at the Acts of the Apostles, 28 chapters that take you from the Kingdom Age right into the Church Age. Along the way we see the roots and foundations of the New Testament Church as we know it today, rightly dividing as we go, watching for the dispensation to change. And change it does in a mighty way. But remember, the book of Acts is primarily a look into the lives of the apostles themselves, and things will look a little different than how Paul describes the Church in places like 1 Timothy. Signs, miracles and wonders are present, but they will come to an end by the time the book closes. The Kingdom Age closes with the stoning of Stephen, and the Church Age begins with the salvation of the Ethiopian eunuch. The Acts of the Apostles is one of the most exciting books in the New Testament, but one you must get right or you will wreck.

“And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest? And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.” Acts 8:30,31 (KJB)

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, the book of Acts, or The Acts of the Apostles, shows us the life and ministry of the apostles of Jesus Christ from the gospels, including one who is “born out of due time”, the apostle Paul. But before he was an apostle of the Lord, Saul was a fearsome type of Antichrist, and we will look at that as well. Think you’re called to the ministry? You better think again, the book of Acts shows you what the ministry is, and you may not like it much. Join us as we study the entire book of the Acts of the Apostles, verse by verse and chapter by chapter.

See what’s new in the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore

As we go along in our series on the book of Acts, it is highly recommended you purchase a copy of this excellent Bible commentary by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. Click link below to order. 

Study Helps And Links For Tonight’s Bible Study

We Are Broadcasting Live Four Days A Week

Every Sunday morning, from 10:00 AM – Noon EST, we invite you to join us live and in-person at Bethany Baptist Church here in Saint Augustine where we lift up the Lord Jesus Christ in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, and preach a message from the pages of the King James Authorized Version Holy Bible.


• The RIGHTLY DIVIDING Radio Bible Study

Every Sunday and Tuesday evenings from 7:00 – 9:00 PM EST, we offer an in-depth rightly dividing and dispensationally correct rocket ride through the preserved word of God as found within the pages of the King James Holy Bible. 

  • SUNDAY NIGHT: Our original Sunday Night Radio Bible Study, it’s from 7:00 – 9:00 PM EST, and we have praise, singing, testimony and of 90-minute King James Bible study. All our King James bible study programs are archived here.
  • TUESDAY NIGHT: Our Tuesday Night Radio Bible Study, it’s from 7:00 – 9:00 PM EST, and we have praise, singing, testimony and of 90-minute King James Bible study. All our King James bible study programs are archived here.


Every Monday and Friday afternoons from Noon to 1:30 PM EST, we examine breaking news and current events  in light of bible prophecy. 

  • MONDAY AT NOON: Every Monday at Noon we review all the latest news and events related to bible prophecy, and examine what is happening in light of what is written. If you miss the live show, all of our Prophecy News Podcast programs are archived here.
  • FRIDAY AT NOON: Friday at Noon we review all the latest news and events related to bible prophecy, and examine what is happening in light of what is written. If you miss the live show, all of our Prophecy News Podcast programs are archived here.

Your Generous Donations Make These Live King James Radio Bible Studies Possible!

On our Sunday and Wednesday night radio bible study, we are preaching and teaching the gospel of the grace of God, rightly divided and dispensationally correct, to a truly global audience who is hungry for the word. These programs would not be possible without your generous support. Listen to just a few of the recent comments we have gotten:

  • I  thanked God for sending to your website in 2015 , I  live in the South of France near Nice and let me tell you here there isn’t any Bible Believing church at all, the sad reality of France is that is full of freemasons and Muslims. You came to me at the time I  was going to take my own life because of my job. You’re anointed person and I pray for you, family  and  ministry because you’re a blessing to all of us. May God bless you always. I know I’ll meet you in heaven one day. Lots of Love from your sister in Christ, Paula.
  • “Hi Geoffrey and staff, Today is my one year anniversary that I got saved on your podcast!  I am now a KJB only, I threw away my other two versions I had.  I was shocked to learn of the differences and how the new versions twist the words of God, and dilute the message at best. Thank you for the fabulous bible  education and fire for the Lord.  I donate on your website throughout the year.  Thanks for all that you do.” Donna
  • “I have been reading on NTEB for about 5 years and listening as I can to your services.  If I could list the encouragement, the doctrines, the awareness of what is coming (our blessed hope) but also the last days culture in which I live that you have taught me, this email wouldn’t fit in this letter. Because of you, I am a stronger more equipped soldier for Jesus Christ. Thank you sir for you, your ministry in my life. Faithful to the end because He lives in me.” Ruthie Dennis
  • “My name is Carl N from Mumbai, India. My wife Andrea and I have been ardent listeners of your Bible Study and news update podcasts from the very start of the lockdown last year. In fact we make it a point to share these links with our family and friends… many times getting into trouble, as the truth upsets people. We cannot even begin to tell you how this has changed our lives and walk with the Lord. Thank you so much for what you’ve been doing for the Kingdom!! We’ve even switched Bible translations to the KJV. For the last month or so, you’ve been speaking about making end times Bible study materials available. This got us really excited, as we’re eager to use these for our weekly house church group.” Carl N – Mumbai, India
  • “I listen to your podcasts often. Very enlightening and I’ve learned a lot. I’m Catholic and followed the Holy Bible throughout my life however, since listening to your podcasts, I’ve learned much more. I recently sent NTEB a small donation. I’d like to do so again in the future. I’ve also signed up for NTEB chatroom. Anyways, I have a downloaded version of KJB on my computer and I follow your Bible Study with my pdf version KJB. You have offered to send out printed version of KJB if requested. If not too much trouble, when you or your staff get the opportunity please send me a copy.” Kevin W – Frankfurt, Germany
  • Just wanted to let you know that your ministry is producing fruit. After listening to the studies and church on NTEB, I was motivated to write witness letters along with NTEB gospel tracks to friends from my hometown who I know are not saved. I sent two of the letters to former Catholic priests of mine….I attached the response from him urging me to read the book “Prove It!.” My wife and I have been placing your gospel tracks in different places we visit. This coming Sunday, I am hosting my first Bible study in my house with some people in our neighborhood. Tomorrow evening I have been given a chance to teach the lesson to our youth church group (our church is very Laodicean), and I am going to talk to the youth on end times. Thank you so much for your ministry and encouraging us to get something done for Jesus while we still can! Thomas B 
  • “The sole purpose of this email to you is to let you know how much we have been blessed by your amazing ministry/website. ‘We’ is my wife and I, in our early forties, 3 kids, professing, churchgoing, bible believing Christians in The Netherlands.  Since two months, I listen to your bible studies on Sunday evening, and since this week also to your prophecy podcast. I listen to them in the archives, because of the 6 hour time difference. The shofar and the blessing at 0:30 into the study never fails to make tears in my eyes. We are praying for you, we are praying for your voice, that it lasts in these incredible busy times for you. Listening to your podcasts, you seem to do it effortlessly, talking, scanning the chatbox for questions, diving into the texts, from Genesis to Revelation and everything in between, I love it when you realize after 1:30h into the study, actually a lot more subjects need to be addressed! Thank you for all your work and effort, you are doing an amazing job. Although it all seems effortlessly, I know it is not…Our faith is strengthened by your work and we are able to testify in a better way to the people around us!” Wouter D. van der Wiel – Netherlands
  • “Wanted to send you encouragement and thank you for all you are doing!! I’ve been reading from this website for about 5 years and I’ve been on this at least 10 times a day. It’s the most honest prophecy website in history. And you have ministered to me greatly. This lockdown has been amazing as God gets us unto himself and smooths out the paths for us. I was reading devotional from Kenneth Copeland and during that time you had really hit That ministries hard. I was not Word Faith but I was feeding off his teaching. During this time I have removed Kenneth Copeland I wanted to thank you for your exposure of his ministry. Holy Spirit is truly the leader of all truths. The bible study on Bill Gates was tremendous. And I had the same check in my spirit as you did. He’s the guy that gonna lead this one world revolution Amazing times we live in. I’m super excited and living in total victory and peace. Once again thank you for the time you put in your reward in heaven will truly be great. Looking forward to this coming week. My prayer tonight is this …Father send Your Son!! DG
  • Thank you oh so much for sound teaching. I am so thankful and blessed for clicking on your channel. I have been on your Facebook page since 2011 and never subscribed to you-tube channel until today. I loved the live recording of singing, what a delight to hear the joy of the Lord in the voices of the congregation. So wonderful to hear the part about Luke 12:36, that has made my eyebrows furrow when I read and therefore I have always steadfast to not leaning on my own understanding. May God continue to bless you, your family friends and loved ones. All Glory be to Jesus, my Saviour Redeemer and King, Amen.” Susan Anderson
  • Loved this teaching! Presented in a clear contextual manner that was easy to follow along. You connected the dots for me that had previously brought so much confusion, namely the 4th seal covenant, the 5th seal tribulation saints, and the 6th seal 2nd Coming of Christ AFTER the wedding of the Body/Bride of Christ IN HEAVEN. Wow, after 41 years since my being born again by the Holy Spirit in to the Body of Christ, I finally have the answers to end the confusion. What joy and peace has flooded my heart! Thank you for this encouraging teaching of the Word.” SB
  • “I am from Sri Lanka and listen to the radio Bible study every week.” Nihal Perera

Nothing thrills my soul like teaching the word of God, it is what the Lord called me to do 29 years ago, and Now The End Begins is the vehicle in which I am able to do it. How exciting it is to be able to teach the Bible to tens of thousands of people per year. Like I told you with the first post of 2020, I have dedicated myself now full-time to NTEB, and it is only through your generous support that such a thing is possible.

HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our WayGiver Funding page

Listen to what our donation angels have to say about the ministry of Now The End Begins

  • “You are truly an end time ministry and I appreciate how our Precious Lord is using you to educate his very own flock. There is a lot of confusion , but your ministry is putting scripture in the right prospective. Thank-you so so much Geoffrey S Grider for standing firm and putting in a lot of hours of your time. God Bless You , also your Ministry and your family. IN JESUS MIGHT NAME.” T. Muto
  • “Jesus. I am now 64 years old and never in all the years I’ve been a Christian was I able to grow in the Lord as much as I have in the last past year. All because of our blessed brother’s work Geoffrey Grider who as the bravery of standing fast forward without fear of claiming the truth of God by the power of his love in Jesus Christ. May God bless you abundantly to the end my dear brother… ROMANS: 8: 36,37,38” Mireille Anderson
  • “I met you at the car dealership earlier this year. We spoke briefly, then you handed me a card and told me to check out the website. You left. A few minutes later, you returned to tell me not to forget to look up the website. I told you…” I already did. I already subscribed.” In that short time we spoke, I experienced from you…a total stranger…peace, joy, kindness, gentleness, compassion, and love. I am convinced that God sent you to share the Good News that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. For that, and for the work you are doing for the Kingdom of God, I say…Thank you and God Bless You.” Sonia Merced
  • “I really enjoy the emails and Bible studies! I haven’t found a church and enjoy your services very much! Be blessed brother!” Marcia Mann
  • “You and your organization are on the front lines in the Battle For Truth…. current events, end times, and trying to awaken a sleeping laodicean Church. Thank you brother for fighting for us and all your teaching and insight God bless…” Daniel Cartrette
  • “I’m a KJB believer. We’re so close to being “caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. I have many lost family who don’t want the truth, including my husband & son. I’ve been banned from seeing my grandsons since I comforted the 4 1/2 year old with sharing Jesus loving the little children & telling him about the one who created him last he stayed overnight March 3rd. He was so excited to hear about Jesus! His dad (my son) was angry that I told him & wants me to apologize. I never will do so. If my own family won’t hear, I know there’s others searching for the truth. My heart grieves for all the lost who will spend eternity in hell if they reject the Lord Jesus Christ, the expectant hope of the world. He is not willing that any should perish. God bless your ministry, Geoffrey! (I continue to pass out your tracts & you’re on my prayer list!)” LouAnn Benham
  • “Love the Sunday night bible study. I want to support someone who has the passion for the lost like Geoffrey does and rightly divides the word of God. God bless you.” Teresa Carey
  • “I give because not many news outlets are brave enough or Godly enough to tell these stories from a Christian’s point of view. I see stories here that will not be seen anywhere else.” William Grayshaw

HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our WayGiver Funding page


This is the official gospel tract of NTEB, used here on the streets of Saint Augustine and sent around the world as they are purchased through our website. We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting the work of Now The End Begins by purchasing a box of these full-color, high-quality gospel tracts. Thank you in advance!

But whatever you do, don’t do nothing. Time is short and we need your help right now. The Lord has given us an open door with a tremendous ‘course’ for us to fulfill that will create an excellent experience at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Please pray for our efforts, and if the Lord leads you to donate, be as generous as possible. The war is REAL, the battle HOT and the time is SHORTTO THE FIGHT!!!

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;” Titus 2:13 (KJB)

“Thank you very much!” – Geoffrey, editor-in-chief, NTEB

HOW TO DONATE: Click here to view our WayGiver Funding page

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European Union

EU ARMY: European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Announces The ‘ReArm Europe’ Initiative To Prepare The Continent For World War 3




European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen just launched ‘ReArm Europe’, the largest military investment program in European Union history

We have been telling you for quite some time now that World War Three is coming before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, and like the two previous wars, it will be centered in Europe. Yesterday, EU Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen announced ‘ReArm Europe’, the largest military ramp-up in EU history since the group was formed back in 1993. This is the goal of Russian president Vladimir Putin, and why he keeps the war with Ukraine on a permanent simmer. It is the bait to draw in the rest of the world to complete the trilogy.

For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled.” Luke 21:22 (KJB)

I am no fan of Putin, but give the Devil his due, he is playing the world like a fiddle, and that includes President Trump and his administration here in America. That big blowup last week in the White House where Trump and Vance ganged up on little Zelensky was right out of Putin’s playbook, and it moved the needle toward WWIII another giant step closer. French President Emmanuel Macron has long talked about and dreamt about a full-fledged European Army, and he will soon get his wish. That’s the memo.

ReArm Europe: EU Commission Chief Proposes €800 Billion Defense Scheme

FROM THE EUROPEAN CONSERVATIVE: Following the Tuesday, March 4th presentation, her five-point plan, dubbed “ReArm Europe,” is meant to allow EU member states to “massively” boost their defense spending both in the immediate future and over the next decade. In total, von der Leyen is hoping to mobilize “close to €800 billion” for defense investment through ReArm Europe from multiple sources: joint loans, national budget increases, and private capital investment. However, every proposal comes down to one thing: debt, both at the EU and national level. The Commission chief has stated this is necessary in the current “era of rearmament.”

“I do not need to describe the grave nature of the threats we face or the devastating consequences that we will have to endure if those threats will come to pass. We are in an era of rearmament”

Von der Leyen added that the question is no longer whether Europe needs to shoulder more responsibility for its own defense, but whether it is prepared to “act as decisively as the situation dictates.”

The Commission’s five-point ‘ReArm Europe’ strategy was sent to all member states ahead of Thursday’s emergency European Council summit, where leaders are expected to adopt a joint position agreeing to at least the broad outlines of the plan.

The five points include:

  • Activating the ‘national escape clause’ to allow member states to run 1.5% higher budget deficits than what’s permitted by EU rules to drastically boost their defense spending.
  • A €150 billion worth of joint loan for “pan-European” military procurement, under which member states can pool demand and buy weapons together cheaper. This includes air and missile defense systems; artillery, missiles, and ammunition; drones and counter-drone systems; as well as cyber- and mobility equipment such as armored vehicles. This could also be used by member states to buy military equipment for Ukraine (there might even be an additional clause that 20% of every procurement should be invested in Ukraine).
  • Allowing for more “flexible” use of existing EU funding for defense purposes, including diverting a portion of cohesion funds and remaining pandemic relief funds.
  • Accelerating the implementation of the Savings and Investment Union (SIU) to attract private capital investment by increasing returns on savings from Europeans’ household wealth.
  • Securing more private capital through the European Investment Bank (EIB).

According to the European Council President António Costa, there is a “broad agreement” among all member states that a massive boost to the EU’s defense spending is the way to go forward, and the only thing that needs to be discussed on Thursday are the details of the Commission’s plan.

The idea of joint debt has always been a very contentious issue among member states, and particularly opposed by north-western countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, and the Scandinavians, who don’t like the idea of subsidizing others with more ‘reckless’ fiscal policies. These countries agreed to the pandemic relief funds being raised through a joint loan in late 2020 after being reassured that it was a “one-time thing” only, a point they referred to frequently over the past two years when the EU began floating a €100 billion loan idea for defense.

Yet, now it seems that even the most frugal countries are on board with taking out a much bigger joint loan for defense. Nothing illustrates the change of heart better than the fact that Germany—the country historically most opposed to becoming a ‘debt union’ while insisting on its rigid national rules—is now moving to circumvent its ‘debt brake’ to raise a proposed €900 billion defense cash pot alone under incoming Chancellor Friedrich Merz.

The initial draft resolution for Thursday’s emergency summit also included an immediate €20 billion military aid package to Ukraine from the EU budget, but this instrument was reportedly put on hold and scrapped from a newer version due to fears of Hungarian and Slovak vetoes. READ MORE

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