Save BIG at our biggest sales event of the year, the NTEB Blessed Friday and Cyber Monday Bookstore Weekend Sales Spectacular Every year at Thanksgiving time,...
Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, is rolling back its diversity, equity and inclusion policies, joining a growing list of major corporations that have done the same...
Germany is drawing up a list of bunkers that could provide emergency shelter for civilians, with NATO warning at a time of rising tensions with Russia....
Elon Musk is posting about how America is the revived Roman Empire as movie ‘Wicked’ is number one at the box office, what does that tell...
Tonight we see the little book that’s sweet as honey, the seventh angel and the revelation and completion of the mystery of God In our Tuesday...
The ordinance of the Lord’s supper is a call for all Christians to remind themselves of the true cost of salvation and to live in the...
We’re been raising support to send King James Bibles and books out to nearly a dozen different jails and prisons stretching all the way from Florida...
Putin said ‘In response to the use of American and British long-range weapons, on Nov 21 of this year, the Russian armed forces launched a combined...
This is our 4th-annual Blessed Friday and Cyber Monday Sales Event where you will enjoy spectacular discounts of 20-50% off on nearly 200 selected items. Sale...
A bizarre new DEI ad for car brand Jaguar has been widely mocked as ‘woke’ and ‘outdated’ by social media users. Jaguar released a new logo...
Seven angels who have seven trumpets come with seven judgments in this Part 2 of our The Seventh Seal series In our Tuesday night Bible study,...
The Goose Creek Correctional Center all the way up in Wasilla Alaska has an urgent need for King James Bible and they’ve turned to us for...
President Biden has authorized the first use of US-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine for strikes inside Russia against Putin, U.S. officials said. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov...
The opening of the seventh seal in Revelation 8 ushers in the ‘active phase’ of the time of Jacob’s trouble known as the great tribulation In...
The Bible says Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts Unto Wisdom. It’s later than you think, and the days are...
Built in 1914, the MCF-Stillwater is the state’s largest close-security institution for adult males. The facility has seven living units inside and also has a minimum-security...
In our look at Elon Musk today, we are not shouting ‘the Martians are coming!!’, we are asking if they are already here. At first blush,...
Ukraine has the resources and expertise to indigenously produce a large quantity of nuclear weapons at short notice if it was forced to do so, a...
The 144,000 are 12,000 male, virgin Jews from each of the twelve tribes, sealed by God to evangelize the massive last days revival One of the...
America voted for America last Tuesday night, and rejected the radical woke agenda offered by Kamala Harris and the Democrat machine, but what comes now? Last...
‘Kanker Joden!’: Trams set alight, violence erupts in Amsterdam in second wave of antisemitic attacks against Jews in Europe Europe has been a hotbed of antisemitic...
Abraham Accords architect Jared Kushner is once again in the news today, and so are his buddies Mohammed bin Salman and Mohamed bin Zayed In the...
We take a look at some of the righteous kings and wicked rulers as found in the pages of your King James Bible, tonight we look...
God tells us in the scriptures that we are to pray for our rulers and leaders for a very good reason, and the apostle Paul tells...