How I Lost My Fear of Death by Jack McElroy
If you had to give a message at your own funeral, what would you say? It’s an arresting thought, isn’t it? You look out at the crowd and see your family, friends, relatives, coworkers, and acquaintances. Imagine that your parents, grandparents, and grandchildren are there, too.
You’ve got their undivided attention, so what will you say to them? It’s your chance to really influence their lives. This is your legacy. It’s what they’ll remember you by. I figured out what I would say, and I ended up writing it in a book. It’s called How I Lost My Fear of Death and How You Can Too.
It’s a unique soul-winning tool.
How I Lost My Fear of Death is a unique and universal soul-winning tool that can be given to anyone of any religious background. It’s written in a conversational and nonthreatening tone that engages the reader right away, carefully explaining that they have a problem and that there is a solution.
THE PROBLEM Dying is a scary prospect for those who aren’t assured of what will happen to them after they die. These folks are in bondage to this fear. They live every day like a condemned prisoner. Their hope is that by having faith in God (or gods), keeping certain laws, and observing certain religious rituals, they’ll gain life after death or nirvana/peace. The problem is that every religion, without exception, is great at prescribing things for them to DO but never tells them when they’ve DONE enough.
THE SOLUTION How I Lost My Fear of Death presents the solution to their problem in an informative and interesting way.
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