How Satan Turned America Against God – Grady


How Satan Turned America Against God deals with negative reality as opposed to positive fantasy. It reveals America’s main purpose for her existence, the tragic repudiation of that role and how Satan orchestrated the process. This book will afford the reader with an “understanding of the times…for such a time at this” (I Chronicles 12:32; Esther 4:14). 972 pages. ISBN: 0-9628809-3-0

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How Satan Turned America Against God – Dr. Bill Grady
How Satan Turned America Against God is the sequel to my last book What Hath God Wrought : A Biblical Interpretation of American History (i.e., What God Wrought – Satan Sought). The book could be subtitled a “Biblical interpretation of conspiracy history.” I have entire chapters that deal with Freemasonry, The Illuminati, Skull etc.; Bones, and The Group (founded by Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University). I also have a chapter entitled “The Battle for Washington, D.C.” that gives the historical facts for both the Christian and arcane foundations of our capital. (This is the very subject matter that will form the basis of Dan Brown’s new novel entitled “The Solomon Key.”)
There are also entire chapters on the shoot down of KAL Flight 007, the Oklahoma City bombing, the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the present war in Iraq. (The 9/11 chapter alone is 100 pages long, with 251 end notes.) The theme of my book is that America’s past and present status revolves around our treatment of the Jew and the State of Israel. A combined excerpt from the inside flap and back dust jacket reads as follows: “The thesis of this volume is simple – America was created by God for a particular mission and will ultimately be destroyed for abandoning the same. Though unbeknownst to the average citizen, the main purpose for our existence has been to afford persecuted Jewry with a temporary haven of rest, and then to later aid and defend the State of Israel. (It is no coincidence that the letters USA form the center of the name Jerusalem.) America’s unique blessings have always been determined according to the divine formula given in Genesis 12:3.
How Satan Turned America Against God deals with negative reality as opposed to positive fantasy. Contained within its pages are the results of six years’ research, encompassing dozens of high-profile interviews, numerous trips abroad and a bibliography containing 194 entries….This book reveals America’s main purpose for her existence, the tragic repudiation of that role and how Satan orchestrated the process. It will afford the reader with an ‘understanding of the times…for such a time as this’ (I Chronicles 12:32; Esther 4:14).” Finally, the three-page Afterword was written by Mr. Sam Cohen, “Father of the Neutron Bomb.”
How Satan Turned America Against God by end times author Bill Grady deals with negative reality as opposed to positive fantasy. It reveals America’s main purpose for her existence, the tragic repudiation of that role and how Satan orchestrated the process. This book will afford the reader with an “understanding of the times…for such a time at this” (I Chronicles 12:32; Esther 4:14).  972 pages. ISBN: 0-9628809-3-0

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 6 × 9 × 2 in


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