Revelation Commentary


Dr. Ruckman’s commentary on the book of Revelation is one of his most popular works. This commentary is direct, plain teaching on the text of Revelation and avoids many of the critical and textual problems dealt with in other commentaries in the series. Instead light is brought out on a vast amount of prophetic material not covered by many other expositors.

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Revelation Commentary – Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

Dr. Ruckman’s commentary on the book of Revelation is one of his most popular works. This commentary is direct, plain teaching on the text of Revelation and avoids many of the critical and textual problems dealt with in other commentaries in the series. Instead light is brought out on a vast amount of prophetic material not covered by many other expositors.

  • 803 pages
  • Softcover
  • Author: Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

Additional information

Weight 1.3 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 8 × 2 in

1 review for Revelation Commentary

  1. Stephanie Schneider (verified owner)

    Ruckman’s commentary on Revelation was the first book of his I read and when I got done with it, in a shockingly fast amount of time given how busy we are in the summer, I exclaimed to my husband “wow, I just learned more in this one book than I have in 40 years of going to church!”. I literally couldn’t put it down. (Note my husband isn’t saved and is an alcoholic so your prayers are appreciated!) I have always been a big fan of Chuck Missler and just discovered Larkin’s “Greatest Book on Dispensational Truth” a few years ago and LOVED that so much I keep buying copies to give away (but no one seems to get as excited about it as I am). Well, now I’m back here to buy a bunch of these Revelation commentaries to give away b/c like Chuck has said – if you get Genesis & Revelation right, you get the whole Bible right. I plan to do a book club of sorts over the summer with a friend to read through this commentary a little more thoroughly and discuss. I also plan to give these and the Ruckmann bibles to the overseers at our very lukewarm ESV-using church to maybe get some last minute fire going. We’ll see, I’m so tired of fighting against their lukewarmness that I may just need to find a new church. Anyway, I’m not sure if it’s Ruckman’s style of writing (quite hilarious sometimes with no sugar-coating!) or maybe just that his ability to correctly divide is second-to-none but he seems to have tied up a loose ends in my understanding. You should get it! Next up: his Genesis commentary – I can’t wait!

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