Ruckman Revelation Roundup Bundle

Original price was: $70.05.Current price is: $59.95.

This bundle includes:

  • Ruckman’s Apocalypse
  • Mark of the Beast
  • Revelation Commentary

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Ruckman’s Apocalypse: A seventeen-year project, which contains more than 200 paintings illustrating the book of Revelation.  Each painting required fifteen to twenty hours to complete and is arranged with the texts from the Bible to chronologically illustrate the coming events.  Unlike his other commentaries which are text-based, Dr. Ruckman’s artwork is the commentary to the prophetic passages in this book.  Unique in Christian literature; a rare combination of Biblical knowledge and artistic talent.

Mark of the Beast: The Mark of the Beast is the most exhaustive treatment of the Antichrist, showing his name, mark, number, letter, religion, physical characteristics, and music, plus eighteen types of the Antichrist in Scripture. Originally published in 1960 by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman.

Revelation Commentary: Dr. Ruckman’s commentary on the book of Revelation is one of his most popular works. This commentary is direct, plain teaching on the text of Revelation and avoids many of the critical and textual problems dealt with in other commentaries in the series. Instead, light is brought out on a vast amount of prophetic material not covered by many other expositors.


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