The Victory of Light Bundle

Original price was: $36.85.Current price is: $29.95.

This Bundle Includes:

  • Winning Jews to Christ
  • The Victory of Light
  • Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust

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This Bundle Includes:

Winning Jews to Christ: Written by a converted, orthodox Jew. This book will greatly help the Christian to understand and witness to the Jewish people.

The Victory of Light: Read the inspiring story of the late Rev. Sam Stern, who was born in Poland and ordained as a rabbi. He fled from the Nazis to Russia with other Hasidic youth who posed as Polish. As a refugee after the war, he lived in a DP camp for several years. Rabbi Stern was then called to Providence, R.I. to serve in his capacity as a rabbi. Soon after, he found his Messiah Jesus Christ in his new homeland and dedicated his life to serving his Lord.

Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust: For more than half a century, ZVI has endured as the best-selling book produced by the ministry of The Friends of Israel. Millions of people have been touched, inspired, and encouraged by this story of a World War II waif in Warsaw, Poland. As a 10-year-old Jewish boy, Zvi was separated from his parents and forced to face the trials of survival in Adolph Hitler’s crazed world. How he triumphed against all odds and found his way to Israel and faith in the Messiah is one of the greatest stories of our time. Now ZVI and the sequel, ZVI and the Next Generation, are combined in a new book, ZVI: The Miraculous Story of Triumph Over the Holocaust. The whole story — together at last and updated with new information that will thrill your heart. This is a book you will find difficult to lay down.


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