The Two Babylons – Alexander Hislop


First published in 1853, this detailed work shows all that Roman Catholicism is actually the worship of Nimrod and his wife, with proof for every assertion.

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The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop

Author:  Alexander Hislop

Pages:  330, Paperback

First published in 1853, this detailed work shows all that Roman Catholicism is actually the worship of Nimrod and his wife, with proof for every assertion.

Modern Babylon (Rev. 17:5) is the Roman Catholic Church

Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over eighty years ago, Alexander Hislop reveals that many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names.

Although difficult reading, this book accurately provides a fascinating historical in-depth examination of the shocking similarities between the practices of ancient Babylonian religion and those of today’s Roman Catholic church.

See how a religion that was started by Nimrod and his wife spread to various regions, taking on different names, but keeping the same pagan rituals and trappings. These same rituals embody the Catholic church of today.

Learn the true origins of:

  • The Mother and Child
  • The Mass
  • The Wafer (Eucharist
  • Purgatory
  • The Sovereign Pontiff
  • Prayers for the Dead
  • The Rosary
  • The Sign of the Cross
  • The Confessional
  • Clothing and Crowning of Images
  • Priests, Monks, and Nuns
  • Relic Worship
  • Worship of the Sacred Heart
  • Extreme Unction
  • and much more!

Additional information

Weight 1.04 lbs
Dimensions 8 × 5 × .8 in


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