Which Bible Would Jesus Use? The Bible Version Controversy Explained and Resolved – McElroy


Are you sick of hearing the same old insincere questions like, “Tell me, which edition of the KJV is the Bible?” or “Where was the Bible before 1611?”

You’ll find the best answers to these questions and more in Which Bible Would Jesus Use?

Now you can go on the offensive by asking them one simple question, “If Jesus came to your church, which Bible would he use?” Making them answer this question along with the knowledge you’ll get from this book will settle the Bible version controversy once and for all.

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Which Bible Would Jesus Use? The Bible Version Controversy Explained and Resolved – Jack McElroy

Are you tired of the smirks and childish questions of King James Bible detractors?

Are you sick of hearing the same old insincere questions like, “Tell me, which edition of the KJV is the Bible?” or “Where was the Bible before 1611?” You’ll find the best answers to these questions and more in Which Bible Would Jesus Use?

Now you can go on the offensive by asking them one simple question, “If Jesus came to your church, which Bible would he use?” Making them answer this question along with the knowledge you’ll get from this book will settle the Bible version controversy once and for all.

You’ll learn Why “Which Edition?” is (quite often) a trick question to destroy your faith in a literal book. And the real reason they ask you the fake question in the first place.

You will now be able to prove to anyone why the Lord himself is forced to choose only one Bible and why that Bible is the King James Bible.

They’ll be convinced once they learn…

  • Why the Lord Jesus Christ would never use the ESV because of the known errors (admitted by experts) inserted into the text in Matthew 1:7, 8, & 10.
  • Why the Lord wouldn’t carry the NASB to church with him because of the known errors (admitted by experts) inserted into the text in John 7:8–10 and because of the way it refers to him in John 1:18.
  • Why the Lord couldn’t use the NIV, ESV, or the NASB because of the known geography error (admitted by experts) inserted into the text in Luke 4:44.
  • Why the Lord can’t use the NIV, ESV, or the NASB because of the known error (admitted by experts) inserted into the text in Mark 1:2.
  • Why the Lord is hurt by how his character is besmirched in Mark 1:41 in the NIV and would never, ever use it.
  • Why the Lord wouldn’t bring the NKJV into church with him because of how it undermines the historical integrity of his words in English.

They’ll stop laughing at your faith in the written words of God when you quickly and easily answer questions like:

“What about the thousands of differences between the 1769 Edition and the First Edition in 1611? And what about the differences between King James Bibles printed by the Oxford and Cambridge University Presses?”

This book also walks you through some of the major passages used to challenge creditability of the KJB. Your faith will be strengthened as you learn to explain tough issues like: why the Lord didn’t preserve the original autographs; why inspiration of Scripture doesn’t mean what they say it means; where the Greek text used in modern translations came from; and what doctrines are affected by these variant readings.

Additional information

Weight 1.25 lbs
Dimensions 6.125 × 9.25 × 1 in

1 review for Which Bible Would Jesus Use? The Bible Version Controversy Explained and Resolved – McElroy

  1. William Robertson

    This book is one of the better books on the king James Bible it covers many details and good information that most Christians need to know it’s very readable and a great addition to your library I have it it is very good

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