For a country that is supposed to be the most powerful in the world, the fact that Americans have today woken up to find large swathes...
The North Korean army said Thursday it had final approval to launch "merciless" military strikes on the United States, involving the possible use of "cutting-edge" nuclear...
Barack Obama stands openly for the things that God is against. He takes great pride is doing so. He campaigned with these things as the reasons...
When you call the Michigan Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”
Channel 2 in Israel, sourcing a “senior American official”, says that the decision has already been made by the Israeli government to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities....
A Tweet on Nasa's official Twitter account said 'Re-entry prediction now later than expected - tonight or late Saturday morning,' at just before noon Eastern Time....
Sounding exactly like a Muslim or a Democrat, Ron Paul says that America caused 9/11.
The intoxicating atmosphere of the 2008 election and Obama’s inauguration has given way to a hangover. Americans were promised that the $787 billion Obama stimulus package...
Open your eyes and look at what's happening. Since April we have had floods and fires in Texas...then it was hurricanes across the upper Midwest. After...
It didn’t take too long for my home state of Arizona to be back in the news and it just makes me love this place more...
There is a little thirteen month old Canadian baby, whose family would be in mourning right now planning his funeral, instead thanks to America and the...
Is anyone else getting as fed up as I am with the way other nations treat America? One moment the world is bashing America for taking...
The day of America tampering with God's holy institution of marriage is over. The judgments are now instantaneous! The very location of the signing is going...
Policy makers are working behind the scenes to come up with a way to let states declare bankruptcy and get out from under crushing debts, including...