Anthony Fauci was defiant with Major Garrett, saying that his gain-of-function Chinese COVID-19 virus leaked from Wuhan lab very successful.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of NIH pushed AZT for HIV-AIDS patients, but the drug was toxic and killed tens of thousands of people.
Anthony Fauci contributed funding to controversial gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China,
We've been lied to every step of the way about the COVID vaccine, and now the vaccinated have become superspreaders to the unvaccinated.
Today we take you deeper than you thought possible and we show you the ugly truth about Anthony Fauci's gain of function COVID monster.
Anthony Fauci engineered the COVID-19 virus while Bill Gates worked to create the vaccine and digital passports that would be unleashed later.
“Anthony Fauci lied to the American people,” Rand Paul said. “There was gain of function research going on with Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute in...
Podcaster Joe Rogan made comments about healthy people not taking the COVID vaccine and was silenced by Anthony Fauci and the New World Order
Why is Anthony Fauci constantly displaying the sign of the master of the second veil from Freemasonry, and why is Washington DC occultic?
AIDS and the AZT Scandal is exactly why you shouldn't listen to the medical advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci, and do not take the COVID vaccine.
Anthony Fauci appearing to be vaccinated in his left arm, but when being interviewed about it a short time later he points to his right arm.
We are pulling back the cover on the New World Order, and showing you the proof that the Great Reset began long before 2020 with COVID-19.
The Carnegie 2001 awards ceremony took place at the New York Public Library, honoring Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates Sr., George Soros and David Rockefeller.
Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it will still be necessary to social distance, wear masks after a COVID-1984 coronavirus vaccine...
Dr. Anthony Fauci, who once worked with technocratic oligarch Bill Gates on his Global Vaccine Action Plan now seeking mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations.