In 2018, French President Emmanuel Macron Raised The Sign Of Antichrist Over America, Now In 2020 He Needs President Donald Trump Taken Out Of His Way.
The Sudden Rise Of 'Roman God' Emmanuel Macron In Europe To Global Leadership Role Is Quite Stunning As He Prepares To Head Up The New World...
False Prophet Pope Francis Gives Emmanuel Macron His Blessing And Anoints Him To Take The Global Stage As Leader Of The New World Order In Phone...
The 42-year-old president Emmanuel Macron now positioning himself to take over the mantle of New World Order leader. And right now, he has no challengers.
White House senior adviser Jared Kushner task force in talks of creating a national coronavirus surveillance tracking system of COVID-19 sufferers. 666?
Could Bill Gates be the Antichrist? Could his global vaccine program and ID2020 digital ID be the Mark of the Beast from Revelation 13? Yes, to...
Pope Francis now wants to be known by his own name as he drops the title 'vicar of Christ' and assumes power as Jorge Mario Bergoglio...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking into details surrounding the strong delusion and the coming kingdom of the biblical Antichrist 666.
Netflix announces their new series 'MESSIAH' which heralds the coming of the biblical Antichrist, whom Muslims call Dajjal, launching in January of 2020.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris discussing the potential implications of a proposal for a new global tax system.
Kanye West announces his first-ever opera, 'Nebuchadnezzar' about a person in the Bible who is a type of the coming Antichrist. Run, Church, run far away!
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at the rise of Antichrist and the miracles he will perform. We will also show you his...
Madonna's performance at Eurovision is a warning to the Jews first, the Palestinians second, and the world at large last, prepare for Antichrist!
Pope Francis and Moroccan King Mohammed VI called on Saturday for Jerusalem to be preserved as a symbol of peaceful coexistence where Jews, Muslims and Christians...
The United States will put forward a Middle East peace plan after an Israeli general election on April 9, Jared Kushner, President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and...
The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that humans’ dependence on modern technology will result in the coming of the Antichrist.
US President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Jared Kushner has labored in secret for nearly two years over a detailed plan for peace in the Middle East.
Pope Francis told 33,000 Catholics in Rome that “a personal, direct, immediate relationship with Jesus Christ” must be avoided at all costs.
The context of 2 Thessalonians 2, taken as it is written, is the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church which leads to the Antichrist coming to power.
In a final act of defiance, Judas the devil goes out and hangs himself on a tree in the "potters field", or the "field of blood",...
Jared Kushner looks right through people, like a slightly more sinister version of Nicolae Carpathia from the Left Behind series.
The red-hot hatred that Obama possesses for God's people the Jews and for God's land of Israel flows from the very depths of Hell itself.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at a man that the Bible calls "the Assyrian", otherwise known as Antichrist.
On tonight’s program, we visit the books of Revelation, Matthew and Daniel to see what God says about the timing and the revealing of the Antichrist...