Netflix film American Factory produced by Barack Obama production company Higher Ground won Oscar last night and quoted Karl Marx Communist manifesto.
Barack Obama and his 'wife' Michelle are buying a massive $15 million oceanfront beach house despite claiming that climate change causing oceans to rise.
Quinnipiac poll says more Americans consider Barack Obama to be the worst President since World War II than they do any other president, says Time magazine.
The Democrats are so eager to stop Creepy Joe Biden that they are now turning on the legacy of 8 years of first black president Barack...
Former first lady Laura Bush criticized the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy that has seen nearly 2,000 children separated from their parents.
Evidence is mounting that the Kremlin in Russia succeeded in infiltrating the US government at the highest levels while Barack Obama was president.
I believe God's judgment of America began in full in 2012 as President Barack Obama declared us to be an LGBTQ nation and raised the rainbow...
Creepy Joe Biden has launched his 2020 campaign on the supposition the the Obama administration existed for 8 years without a 'whisper of scandal'
Former president Barack Obama allegedly told Muslim congresswoman Rep. Rashida Tlaib that he was "proud" of her during a meeting yesterday.
Former President Barack Obama said Monday that hope is possible for the future if the next generation of leaders is modeled after himself and former first...
In 2008, God began to judge America for her sins by placing Barack Hussein Obama in office. In 2016, God made Donald Trump president to judge...
While Barack Obama calls for open borders for the United States, he is building a 10-foot high security wall around his own property in Washington. Hmm.
A federal judge in Texas struck down the Affordable Care Act on Friday night, otherwise known as Obamacare, calling it unconstitutional. Trump was elated.
Under President Trump’s watch, more than 10 times the number of manufacturing jobs were added, as compared to Obama's first 21 months in office.
Police arrested Democratic Party activist James Polite for vandalizing a New York City synagogue with antisemitic death threats after Obama anti-Trump rally
Five members of the Afghan Taliban who were freed from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay by Obama have rejoined the Taliban in Afghanistan.
The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that 'potential explosive devices' were sent to former President Barack Obama and ex-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. George Soros received one as...
Former President Barack Obama went to the University of Illinois, brazenly claiming that the astoundingly good economy Americans are presently experiencing was a result of his...
After the speech calling for rich people to get smaller houses, Barack Hussein Obama traveled back to America and to his $8.1 million eight-bedroom mansion.
Former President Barack Obama is diving into politics once again by appearing in a video calling on voters to support his idea of “fair” redistricting maps.
During the 2016 Presidential Elections, Barack Obama was informed that Russia was attempting to meddle with our fair and free election process.
Barack Obama has in recent months met with at least nine prospective 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden and Deval Patrick,...
If you thought Hillary Clinton’s email scandal was just a Hillary scandal, you are wrong. Hillary’s extensive efforts to skirt transparency laws was very much an...
The Obama administration’s massive shakedown of Big Banks over the mortgage crisis included unprecedented back-door funding for Democratic activist groups.