U.S. President Barack Obama has spoken out on the passing of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro.
Obama with Alexis Tsipras warned Tuesday that Americans and people around the world "are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort...
Now The End Begins is not against government, we are against bad government, oppressive government, corrupt government and anti-American government.
Barack Obama has never once accepted the blame or taken responsibility for his failures, but instead sought to lay blame elsewhere.
When you view the changes Barack Obama has made in bullet point fashion, the scope and depth is literally breathtaking.
Barack Obama, in his official statement today glorifying the transgender lifestyle, said that he was "proud of the work" his administration had done making "LGBT rights...
Barack Obama, the man who started his campaign for the presidency in the living room of a domestic terrorist says that Donald Trump 'needs to be...
Since Mitch McConnell cut a budget deal with President Barack Obama that suspended the legal limit on the federal debt until March 15, 2017, the federal...
Barack Obama tonight warned Britain would be at the 'back of the queue' for a trade deal with America if it quits the EU.
This is the first time a sitting president, Barack Obama, has been photographed for the cover of an LGBT title, a historic moment in itself, and...
Hillary Clinton is careening toward possible criminal charges involving her alleged mishandling of classified material on her personal email server while she was secretary of State....
"Since Obama's not willing to discuss the substance, I'll make an invitation right here tonight, which is I invite President Obama at any time and place...
Everywhere one looks into Barack Obama’s background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, deception and unanswered questions.
Some of America’s closest allies say President Barack Obama and other Western leaders, including David Cameron, are failing to show strategic leadership over the world’s gravest...
Iranian officials said Monday that the Islamic Republic’s Central Bank has successfully repatriated 13 tons of gold as part of a package of sanctions relief provided...
Dylann Roof allegedly opened fire inside a historically Black church in Charleston, S.C., killing 9. The next morning, Obama spoke from the White House about the...
It's only April, but 2015 may be remembered as the year the term "transgender" fully entered mainstream consciousness.
In two separate criminal complaints, Egyptian lawmakers have charged Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton with conspiring with the Muslim Brotherhood
White House spokesman Jeff Tiller said the all gender restroom is in the Eisenhower executive office building where many employees have meetings and offices and is...
When Obama learned the craft of covert hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, he knew that he would be able to influenced people; especially young people.
The goal of the Obama administration is to weaken American power so the United States cannot stop the formation of the caliphate from North Africa to...
“President Obama is a disgrace to the black community,” Owens said. “He is rewriting history. We didn’t suffer and die for gay marriage. We marched for...
The State Department had not searched the email account of former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton because she had maintained a private account, which shielded...
Tomorrow, PM Netanyahu will address Congress on behalf of the Jewish people — not just in Israel, but all over the world.