Jonah knew the nature and character of God, and trusted in that with his whole heart and soul. His falling asleep in the boat is not...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be exploring the time when King Jesus will rule and reign on the Throne of David for one thousand...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be exploring the time on this earth when King Jesus of Nazareth will rule and reign on the Throne...
The main theme of the Bible is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to rule and reign as King over all the nations, literally, physically and...
The Song of Solomon in chapter 2 contains an amazing Springtime picture of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ, so Happy Spring!
The Jews in the Bible occupy a singular and very special place afforded to no other race of people in human history.
You can go on believing that the virgin Mary remained a 'perpetual virgin' if you want to, but you have to do it in spite of...
The scarlet thread teaching originates from Joshua 2. Two spies had been sent to Jericho in advance of the Israelites’ taking of that city.
Matthew 24:29-31 is the hands down favorite passage of Pretribulation Rapture deniers, yet contained in those passages is the very proof that the Rapture of the...
The Hebrew Roots cult movement usually hides their beliefs and presents itself as simply seeking to educate Christians concerning their "Jewish heritage." But nothing could be...
Scoffers who disallow the eternal security that the bible clearly teaches mockingly say that the doctrine of eternal security is a license to sin, and that...
On tonight's program, we will show 10 irrefutable proof texts that the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ can only take place before the time...
In tonight's bible study, we look at the much-neglected doctrine of eternal Hell to see what the Lord is showing us there. Knowing what God has...