On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we take a 2-hour jet ride through the book of Revelation and uncover God's Plan for the Ages as foretold...
For the past 2,000 years, the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ has been the blessed hope of Bible believers around the world. But...
In this live, 2-hour episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at a place called Hell. We will show you it's exact location, it's precise temperature, what...
In this live, 2-hour show we show you from the Bible how God wrote it, who He wrote it to, and how to apply what's written...
In this live, 2-hour show we take a close look at the time of Jacob's trouble, and see from the Bible who exactly will be impacted...
Those who reject God’s commandment to rightly divide His Holy Bible constantly fall victim to several foolish religious fallacies that either attempt to make a liar...
Rightly dividing, is not, as our detractors would say, "cherry picking" the verses that we like and don't like. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Manchester High School principal Dr. Michael Lehr reportedly was just filling in for the leader of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization during a meeting.
In this live, 2-hour show we present to you the shocking, exclusive claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please join our interactive chat room where we...
In this live, two-hour KJV bible study program, we look at the bible doctrines of election, predestination and grace, rightly divided and in their proper context....
In this live, two-hour KJV bible study program, we look at bible prophecy from Genesis, Daniel, Isaiah, Joel, and many other prophets to see what God...
Have you ever listened to two people debating the bible, using the exact same verses of scripture yet somehow coming to very different conclusions? There is...
Contained in the 66 books of the Holy Bible, there are 3 main places where great transition occurs. Transitions so great that a new dispensation is...
The Mystery Revealed. The Christian Church Age is not an extension of the Jewish Dispensation. It is a unique creation as well as a mystery that...
Man is also a trinity. You and were created in the fallen image of Adam and Eve, and we are composed of three parts. Body, soul...
Daniel was given a series of dreams and visions to think upon and consider. These visions are so important that Jesus says in Matthew 24 that...
God commanded the Jews to observe the Sabbath Day and to keep it holy. Does this command also apply to the Church? If it does, then...
So much of what happened to the people in the bible stories we read are a TYPE or a FIGURE of things that are to come....
The Lamb opens the seals. After the Rapture of the Church, the time of Jacob's Trouble, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation, takes place on this...
The seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation have great importance to bible believers living in these last days. They are a record of that...
Jesus Came To Heal The Brokenhearted. In this two-hour KJV bible study program, we look at the remedy for your broken heart, no matter what the...
In this two-hour bible study program, we look at the physical characteristics and spiritual qualities of angels in both the Old and New Testaments.
In this bible study program, we look at the type of faith it takes to follow a God who asks you to do something that could...
On Sunday night's program, Jesus had much to say to his disciples about the importance of resting, and it's a message that is sorely needed in...