Adolf Hitler was a stunning near-perfect type of Antichrist, we look at that and take your Bible questions in another NTEB Open Forum Question & Answer...
Paul says that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution, and he’s talking to Christians living in the Church Age In your King...
When Evangelicals like Andy Stanley talk about the ‘clobber passages’ in the Bible, they are referring to verses they wish did not exist, and don’t want...
Noah, Daniel and Job are three of the most outstanding men in the Old Testament according to the Lord, and they just might be coming back...
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a...
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a...
The wall you are up against in witnessing to the Jews is a wall that is 4,000 years thick, but don’t get discouraged, there is a...
You were created as an eternal soul, inside a temporal body, with a spirit from God that gives you life, but your ‘first birth’ is no...
Israel is truly God’s time clock of Bible prophecy, but you need an understanding of scripture to properly discern the time you are living in Over...
Israel is truly God’s time clock of Bible prophecy, but you need an understanding of scripture to properly discern the time you are living in Over...
Israel is truly God’s time clock of Bible prophecy, but you need an understanding of scripture to properly discern the time you are living in Over...
The account of Moses and the Red Sea takes you to the other side, across the Jordan River and right up through the frozen firmament standing...
In the Millennium, you will have the beatitudes from the gospel of Matthew that will serve as the constitution of the thousand year kingdom of King...
Tonight we compare the creeds, confessions and canons of the Protestant Reformation to doctrinal teachings of your King James Bible. The Protestant Reformation was a foregone...
Tonight we open our King James Bibles to learn all about the first and second resurrection, one leads to life and the other leads to death....
In this episode, the apostle Paul finishes his course and prepares to go home to be with the Lord as his ministry comes to an end...
Jesus uses Saul as the archetype example of what grace is all about, and makes him the apostle for the Church in the brand-new Age of...
Why on Earth is an angel preaching the ‘everlasting gospel’ from the sky? Whatever that is, it’s certainly not Paul’s gospel where he clearly says that...
The First Century apostle Paul is going to stop in unannounced to ‘have a meeting’ at your 21st century church tonight, how do you think that...
Contained within our dusty, old archaic King James Bible, the answer to any question raised by the scriptures is already present in the scriptures, you just...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
To the untrained eye, it might have appeared that Lazarus was draped in rags of death and rotting, but in actuality he was ‘safe behind the...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...