People want to know if there are any circumstances under which God will forgive someone who takes the Mark of the Beast, No, there's not.
We are looking at the momentous change underway in the nation of Israel right now, changes that will bring the Jews to the doorstep of the...
In a polar opposite contrast to the 'best life now' charlatans of our day, Paul models the the real Christian life looks like, and then tells...
A viral video from an atheist claims that 'Jesus lied', and we will put that assertion to the test by applying rightly dividing.
Bring your King James bible and your questions as we open God’s word and spend some time in the scripture of truth. So many of you...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are opening the floor to take your questions live on the air, and we do it in real-time in...
The book of Isaiah, written in 760 BC, is one of the most amazing books in the bible, and in fact is a template for the...
Here are just a few of the amazing events and inventions that have greatly advanced the end times prophetical timeline in Revelation
Biblical hermeneutics can only be understood and applied by first rightly dividing the scripture found inside of your King James Bible.
Join us tonight as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ, bow down before Him, and ask the Lord for a fresh perspective in these...
Jesus tells us the time of Jacob's trouble will be just like it was in the days of Lot and Noah, as God judged the people...
Humans are tripartite beings existing as a body, soul and spirit, and the moment you were saved God performed spiritual circumcision on you.
On this program, we stand on the authority of God's preserved word, rightly divided, as found in the King James Bible, with sound doctrine.
Death is always ugly, it's supposed to be, and this is what your King James Bible says will happen to you when you die.
We are watching the rising spirit of Antichrist forming over America, in Europe Emmanuel Macron is calling for a New World Order, these are the end...
How bible believers in the 21st century can look to the bible to see if end times bible prophecies are being fulfilled in our day as...
We are looking at the covenant the Jews will make with Antichrist, a covenant that Daniel says will last for 7 years, and that Isaiah says...
These three chapters are perhaps the most thrilling in the bible, because we get to see every promise made by God kept, and in stunning fashion!...
We are looking at the judgments listed in Revelation, in the order in which they appear, and running the cross references to connect everything together.
When you feel far from God, like Pilgrim in John Bunyan’s masterwork, it’s time to retrace our footsteps and get back in at the place where...
In this King James BIble study, we are looking at the different gospels that God the Holy Spirit has place in different dispensations in different ages.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the first Pentecost almost 2,000 years ago, and looking at Pentecost 2020 to compare what's changed.
We are looking at mandatory mask wearing, sick or not, and how Liberal elites are pushing for all 5o states to enact laws forcing this to...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the closing days of the ministry of the apostle Paul to prepare ourselves for the coming...