Today you will hear an amazing story of redemption, and be reminded of the overwhelming importance of our Bibles Behind Bars program in the lives of...
Over the next 14 days, we want to send 3,500 King James Bibles to 7 different jail and prison detention centers, and need your help to...
David Korrok was a young man who was deceived by the Devil, sitting in jail and waiting to die until his mom sent him a Bible...
172 inmates at the Sebastian County Adult Detention Center in Arkansas get saved as revival breaks out after they received Bibles behind bars from us Chaplain...
The Stone County Regional Correctional Facility In Mississippi has an urgent need for 100 King James Bibles, but I would love to send them more than...
A group called 2nd Chance Ministries needs King James Bibles for their outreach at the Monroe County Jail in Madisonville Tennessee This morning, we got an...
Welcome to the 4th Annual NTEB Old-Fashioned Camp Meeting Weekend Here in Saint Augustine, Florida Whenever the third weekend in May rolls around, you know it’s...
I have come to understand that there are few higher callings than the publishing and sending out of God’s preserved word to those in need. The...
We’ve come such a long from me packing up Bibles in my apartment and taking them to the post office, to sending them out by the...
The NTEB Free Bible Program and Bibles Behind Bars is the great lifeboat the Lord has given us to go out with into all the world...
Smithfield is a maximum security prison that serves as the intake facility for all of Pennsylvania with an overwhelming need for King James Bibles State Correctional...
One chaplain writes ‘So I am reaching out to you, actually, praying and pleading, that you could ship several cases of bibles” Can we? As your...
We go into 2024 having sent out 250,000 free King James Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions and gospel tracts, but we need your help to stay...
As a result of these evangelistic outreaches, nearly 1,000 people have prayed to receive Jesus Christ, with a quarter million of free Bibles, New Testaments and...
Bibles Behind Bars is a very unique part of our ministry, raised up by God to supply a very specific need for Bibles in these end...
NTEB doesn’t have fancy office buildings, no investment in real estate or crypto, every dollar we get is invested in the harvest of souls that the...
We are supplying King James Bibles all across America to jails, prisons, migrant detention centers and to gospel outreaches wherever they have a need. Chaplain Gary...
Pray the Lord will give them a harvest of souls at the prison, pray for Bro. Spurgeon’s messages, and pray for the inmates who will all...
The Adult Detention Center at the Marion County Community Justice Campus is a 3,039 permanent bed facility. This transformative campus will house a variety of functions...
Bibles Behind Bars is a little more than one year old, and the Lord is already giving us all the fruit we can handle as revival...
We’re sending 1,000 King James Bibles for the Richland Correctional Institution by way of the jail ministry at Wooster Bible Church in Ohio Chaplain Ricardo Miguel...
Chaplain Marty has devoted his life to ministry behinds bars, and it’s our honor to be asked to assist him in the work God has called...
The ‘beating heart’ of the NTEB Bookstore is our Free Bible & Gospel Tract Program and the life-changing Bibles Behind Bars Located in Saint Augustine, Florida,...
From sending Bibles into high schools to flooding the dark spaces of jails and prisons with the word of God, can you think of any other...