In Stunning Reversal, Pope Francis Tells Coronavirus Quarantined Catholics They Don't Really Need A Priest To Confess Their Sins To God
The Bible calls Sunday the 'first day of the week', the day that comes after the sabbath day we call Saturday, and is the foundation day...
Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the head Catholic cleric in Israel and the West Bank enters Bethlehem on Christmas Eve 2019 showing Vatican control.
The prophecies of the Roman Catholic 'Saint' Malachy, the 12th-century bishop of Armagh, are being reviewed as Pope Francis continues radical change.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops opened its spring meeting this week with a stern reproach of the Trump administration’s latest immigration policies.
A Roman Catholic priest in Milwaukee has come out as gay, that he will no longer live in the shadows of secrecy and plans to be...
Several dozen tradition-minded Roman Catholic theologians, priests and academics have formally accused Pope Francis of spreading heresy.
Now we know something about Melania Trump that heretofore was quite hidden - she's a practicing Roman Catholic who has pledged allegiance to the pope.
The settlement between more than 450 victims and the Oregon Province of the Society of Jesus is one of the largest in the Catholic church's sweeping...