Anthony Fauci was defiant with Major Garrett, saying that his gain-of-function Chinese COVID-19 virus leaked from Wuhan lab very successful.
Iran to hold war games with Russia and China, as Biden fails in Afghanistan, boosting its enrichment of nuclear weapons-grade uranium to historically high levels.
Liberal comedian Jon Stewart on the Stephen Colbert Show drops huge truth bomb about COVID-19 being leaking from the Wuhan lab in China.
“Anthony Fauci lied to the American people,” Rand Paul said. “There was gain of function research going on with Dr. Shi Zhengli at the Wuhan Institute in...
Joe Biden shut down a State Department probe this spring into the origins of COVID-19 in Wuhan China that was launched by the Trump administration.
The NBA and many of its players have struck multimillion-dollar deals with various Chinese companies using cotton raised by Uyghur slave labor.
China invented paper currency, now the Chinese government is minting cash digitally that could shake a pillar of American power, the dollar.
The $400 billion dollar agreement between Iran and China called the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will allow Iran to take power.
Communist China is far and away the world's worst violator of climate change regulations, yet Liberal Democrats like Bill Gates loves them.
Walt Disney Company is silent about the systematic rape of ethnic minority Uyghur women, filming Mulan outside of Chinese concentration camps
Thomas Zimmerman, who will serve as a Special Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel under Joe Biden, is embedded with Communist China.
China, Russia and Cuba won seats on the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday despite their abysmal human rights records of abuses.
On October 18th, 2019, Bill Gates held Event 201 to war game COVID-19 and China held the opening ceremony for the Military World Games on the...
Restaurants and malls in China are open, but to enter, customers have to activate a health code on their smartphones for access through contact tracing.
Starbucks, McDonald’s and Subway chains in China were named on the People’s Bank of China’s list of firms that will test the national digital currency.
First They Gave Us Coronavirus, Now Chinese Drones Are Surveilling Americans In 22 States With Captured Data Likely Sent Back To Communist China.
From the very beginning we have been lied to by China, by the WHO, by Bill Gates, by Anthony Fauci, by the CDC, by all of...
Donald Trump has been insisting for years that our country has been too economically dependent on China, so it is sad that it took a global...
As the Drudge Report engages in coronavirus COVID-19 fear porn, China closes the last of their emergency hospitals as crisis is abating.
The evidence points to SARS-CoV-2 research being carried out at the Wuhan Institute of Virology as the cause of the coronavirus decimating China now.
The worst desert locust infestation in 70 years is ravaging East Africa, and has now spread to areas of the Middle East and Communist China.
First American citizen diagnosed with the coronavirus has died in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the center of the outbreak, marking the first known American death...
In China, Buddhist temples and Catholic churches are being turned into shrines celebrating Xi Jinping, the Communist leader who thinks he is a god.
The World Health Organization said the fast-spreading Wuhan coronavirus that’s infected more than 8,200 across the world is a global health emergency.