The world needs international digital ID systems like coronavirus passports and Artificial Intelligence should be regulated by a global body similar to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental...
Just days after the re-election of globalist President Emmanuel Macron, the Ministry of the Interior has announced that it will be crafting a smartphone application to...
World leaders gather at G20 Summit in Rome to create global vaccination task force tied to the digital ID of the Immunity Passport.
A timely update on Bill Gates and his mad quest to inject the entire world with a vaccine and a COVID-19 Vaccination Passport digital ID.
European Union unveiled plans Thursday for a 'great reset' digital ID wallet across the 27-nation bloc, part of a post-pandemic COVID recovery strategy.
In addition to a vaccination passport scheme, you can also prepare yourself for the digital dollar and on-demand-biometric identification.
A Global Covid Travel Pass is before the G7 right now and is already in development with Microsoft, Oracle and other big tech oligarchs.
COVID-1984 is the lynch pin that makes the New World Order possible, and the vaccinations will be mandatory as will the digital ID microchip.
UN launches Digital ID wallet with biometric security for United Nations employees that uses blockchain and mobile technology to track you.
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, it's the end times with Bill Gates, ID2020, the global vaccinations and the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.
Whatever you do, when Bill Gates' vaccination is ready, do not take it. For any reason. Because when it comes it will come with a digital...
Bill Gates from Microsoft is a founding partner in ID2020 Alliance, a project combining vaccinations with implantable microchips to create a digital ID.