President Donald Trump issued his most substantial defense of his 'extreme vetting' of Muslims executive order on Sunday afternoon.
The Psalm 83 War may be triggered when Donald Trump authorizes the moving of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to the Old City of Jerusalem.
One need not look too deeply to discover the two groups behind the movement to impeach Donald Trump are tied to billionaire George Soros.
As a candidate, Donald Trump made a slew of 'Day One' promises that any president would find daunting.
China has reacted nervously to Donald Trump’s inauguration, with one state-controlled media outlet warning of “dramatic changes” and “fires” being lit.
The prospect of a Hillary Clinton comeback after her shock loss to Donald Trump could hardly be less certain, but maybe mayor of New York City?
President-elect Donald Trump said in a weekend interview that he is nearing completion of a plan to replace Obamacare with the goal of “insurance for everybody,”
George Soros domestic terror group DisruptJ20 calls for a bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017.
‘You Are Fake News!’: Trump and CNN’s Jim Acosta Get Into Shouting Match at Presser.
Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plot against the president-elect.
Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House.
If President Donald Trump makes good on his promise to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, it would be considered “a declaration of war” on all...
Anarchist groups have threatened to shut down Republican Donald Trump's swearing-in as U.S. president on January 20th.
Senate Republicans introduced a bill Tuesday to recognize Jerusalem as the undivided capital of Israel and move the United States embassy to Jerusalem.
President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked Homeland Security last month to assess all assets available for border wall and barrier construction.
GOP lawmakers plan to open the 115th Congress on Tuesday and immediately take steps to repeal Obama's health care law.
News headlines, both liberal and conservative, are proclaiming that a 'global shaking' has come upon the world affecting the governments in every nation.
President-elect Donald Trump slammed the Obama administration for its decision not to veto a U.N. resolution critical of Israel's settlements.
The Electoral College formalized Donald Trump's election victory on Monday despite protests to encourage electors to abandon the Republican.
President-elect Donald Trump “remains firmly committed” to moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, his transition team said.
On Monday, members of the Electoral College will cast their historic votes for the next president of the United States. Meanwhile, they are under siege.
IBM announced Tuesday it would hire 25,000 people in the U.S. over four years, a day before President-elect Donald Trump meets with tech industry leaders.
Wisconsin's recount ended Monday and resulted in a net gain of 131 votes for President-elect Donald Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Donald Trump's election victory has raised the prospect the US will pull out of the nuclear pact it signed with Iran last year.