Why you need to right now bust yourself out of the lukewarm Laodicean Church and get plugged into the Remnant Church of Jesus Christ as He...
That global COVID-19 vaccine they rolled out on Tuesday will soon be mandatory, so you better buckle up right now. The end game has begun, we...
The second epistle of the apostle Paul to Timothy shows us the commission, the command and the conflict of this crazy year of 2020 we are...
Online dating website giant Match.com releases commercial called 'Match Made In Hell' showing Satan falling in love with a woman named 2020.
Schumer said he agrees with President-elect Joe Biden that transgender students should have access to sports, bathrooms and locker rooms in accordance with their gender identity,...
Today, the Bill Gates funded Moderna is petitioning the FDA for clearance on their brand-new COVID-1984 vaccine, will you be taking it?
COVID-1984 is the lynch pin that makes the New World Order possible, and the vaccinations will be mandatory as will the digital ID microchip.
Flight #777 has started her engines and the door is closing as we speak. Hurry. The war is real, the battle hot and time is short...to the...
When we return with King Jesus at the Second Coming, the Eastern Gate will open as the sun, moon and stars willingly put their lights out.
The end times 'worship service' will go well past simply worshipping Mother Earth, it will include sexual rituals, drunkenness, and of course, blood sacrifice.
The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is not news to students of end times bible prophecy, we've been waiting for this!
Tonight we are looking into the two raptures of the end times mentioned in bible prophecy, comparing them in context to sort them out.
China, Russia and Cuba won seats on the UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday despite their abysmal human rights records of abuses.
President Trump with COVID? How's that for an October Surprise? And there is plenty more end times prophecy news to talk about as well.
Amazon has introduced new palm recognition technology in a pair of Seattle stores for you to buy and sell using the bottom of your right hand
Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA are Marxists, Communists and Satanists who have declared war on America, it is time to resist this evil.
The book of the prophet Daniel is an absolute necessity if you are interested in understanding Revelation, it is the key that unlocks it.
The Lutheran Church of Iceland launched a Sunday School ad with a hideous trans Jesus with bouncing breasts and wearing a dress.
George Orwell warned us in '1984' about the deadly doublespeak of Marxism, and that is what we are seeing now form the radical Left in 2020.
We are looking at the three Jewish Fall Feast Days, to see if there might be a prophetical connection to current events in 2020.
We are looking in our King James Bibles regarding how the apostles handled persecution in their day, and how we should handle it too in ours,
The Mediterranean is emerging anew as a sea of division and instability, with powers including Russia, China, Turkey and Israel jostling aggressively for influence, natural resources and military advantage.
How bible believers in the 21st century can look to the bible to see if end times bible prophecies are being fulfilled in our day as...
'Christ is lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer. In Christ, I am lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer', says LGBTQ Catholic Ministries