As you just read in the piece from the NYT, the Liberals are going to place pedophilia under legal protection as a "disability", and bring it...
Hagee said he changed course the next day, after meeting with Bernal and reviewing the changes with his attorney and the Justice Foundation, a conservative legal...
This says a lot about the Scouts and a lot about how far the gay rights movement has come in the United States.
America’s favorite cookie is stirring up more than milk today after Kraft Foods posted a gay pride Oreo on the cookie’s Facebook page. Oreo posted the...
The original Green Lantern will be revealed to be a gay man in next week's issue of "Earth 2." Readers are tipped off to his sexuality...
Manny Pacquiao, Christian Filipino boxer and congressman, has reportedly disagreed with President Barack Obama's support of redefining marriage to include same-sex couples, and has insisted people...
A longtime advocate for equal rights, Ben & Jerry's UK has re-named its apple pie flavor "Apple-y Ever After" in support of gay marriage. This week,...