Liberal billionaire George Soros is on pace to double his 2016 election spending as he works to oust President Donald Trump, public records show.
Like their Marxist comrades, ANTIFA seeks to destroy the American emphasis on liberty under law and bring revival of one of history’s most repressive ideologies.
It didn’t take long to reveal the financial ties to current riots showing George Soros and Open Society Foundation directly support Black Lives Matter.
George Soros uses his billions to fund groups like the Sunrise Movement whose goal is to turn America into a Communist nation at any cost.
President Donald Trump declared Sunday afternoon that the pro-fascist left-wing anarchist movement known as ANTIFA will be designated as a terrorist group.
America wakes to burned out buildings in over 30 cities with no end in sight as ANTIFA and Black LIves Matter anarchists paid by George Soros...
Two Federal Protective Service officers were shot - one fatally - by ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter rioters Friday night in Oakland during George Floyd fury.
The Pentagon orders the Army to put several active-duty U.S. military police units on the ready to deploy to Minneapolis to stop George Soros race riots.
Right now the city of Minneapolis is besieged and under attack with outside agitators from Black Lives Matter and funded by George Soros to destroy America.
Hundreds of criminal looters set fire to large sections of Minneapolis, looting stores and wreaking havock in protest of killing of George Floyd by police.
Globalist George Soros Describes COVID-19 Plannedemic As 'Revolutionary Moment' In Which 'Everything Is Up For Grabs' says we will not go back to normal.
The failed voting app from Shadow Inc. that caused all the trouble during Democratic Iowa caucus financed by gay mayor Pete Buttigieg and George Soros.
Progressive Laodicean evangelicals, whose bank accounts overflow with funding from George Soros front groups, have begun to attack President Trump.
George Soros says he sees a return to globalism in 2020, with Elizabeth Warren becoming the candidate for the Democratic Party, New York Times today.
Did George Soros, Barack Obama & Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton conspire to overthrow Pope Benedict XVI and replace him with the radical Pope Francis?
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders expressed his willingness to move the US Embassy from Jerusalem back to Tel Aviv if it would help bring peace between the...
As Jews around the world prepared for the end of their Passover festival, the New York Times international published an unbelievably anti-semitic cartoon.
Four additional staffers at Radio and TV Marti have been fired over a controversial report broadcast last year that referred to Jewish philanthropist George Soros as...
George Soros, the billionaire Democratic donor who finances the Radical Left was named “Person of the Year” by the Financial Times on Wednesday.
At the Freshman Congressional orientation day in Washington, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez joined a protest of the Sunrise Movement at Nancy Pelosi's office.
Two organizations financed by billionaire liberal activist George Soros have threatened to take Florida Gov. Rick Scott to court if he won't recuse himself.
Democrats and Far Left Liberals are the recipients of his funding, and George Soros recently purchased $3 million in stock holdings of the New York Times.
George Soros, through his many activist agitations groups, is a huge supporter of Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, as well he should be.
Alex Soros noted that among Donald Trump's biggest supporters were 'white supremacists and anti-Semites like David Duke'.