The U.S. Secret Service said Wednesday that 'potential explosive devices' were sent to former President Barack Obama and ex-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. George Soros received one as...
Buried in a News 8 broadcast from San Diego was footage of illegal migrants and their supporters on the U.S. side breaching the U.S. fence on...
Meet Ana Maria Archilla, a paid political activist who serves as the co-executive director for the George Soros funded group Center For Popular Democracy.
New details have emerged revealing that George Soros helped prop-up Democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s political career and provide financing.
Portland Police declared a riot Saturday after tensions between the conservative Patriot Prayer group and local ANTIFA anti-fascist activists broke out in violence.
The World Council of Churches has announced a joint venture with the Vatican to co-host a meeting next September on “migration, xenophobia, and politically motivated populism.”
George Soros, the billionaire known as the man who “broke the Bank of England”, is backing a campaign to overturn Brexit, the Telegraph can disclose.
A secretive 3 day conference where big money liberal donors are plotting the next steps of the "resistance" will be headlined by billionaire George Soros.
Left-wing billionaire George Soros has transferred $18 billion to his Open Society Foundations, the primary vehicle for his global political activism.
The rabid Liberal Left like ANTIFA and BLM in America are very violent, and have been making death threats against President Trump for quite sometime now.
Ahh, George Soros, even at the advanced age of 87, like the true Nazi he is, can still crank out the hate and unrest in record...
In a 49-page Media Matters document marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, the entire anti-Trump plan is laid out and it's backed by George Soros and his billions.
White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster served at a UK-based think tank financed by a controversial, George Soros-funded group.
Protesters from the #Resistance movement demonstrated in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and nationwide on Sunday to call for President Trump’s impeachment.
We thought it might be helpful if you could in one place all the organizations that George Soros' billions have created and maintain.
A new $80 million anti-Trump network is being led by an organization whose top funder is liberal billionaire George Soros.
George Soros is poured money into Google and her opponent Emmanuel Macron to stop Marine Le Pen, and today Soros has won another victory for the...
The controlling power behind the Women’s March on Washington and a Day Without a Woman is a rich man: liberal billionaire George Soros.
The anti-Trump script for activists is meant to aid a project driven by the George Soros funded group.
The lawsuits largely stem from organizations bankrolled by billionaire leftist George Soros and Democratic state attorneys general.
One need not look too deeply to discover the two groups behind the movement to impeach Donald Trump are tied to billionaire George Soros.
Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House.
Poynter partnered with Facebook to help determine whether a certain story is “disputed” is financed by NWO billionaire puppet master George Soros.
The lawyer representing Hillary Clinton’s recount efforts recently led legal battles against state voting laws with an infusion of funding from billionaire George Soros.