The gender of God has prompted debate within the Church of England, with many calling for male pronouns He and Him, as well as reference to...
In Acts 13:48, the Bible shows us how God ordained and appointed the gospel to go to the Gentiles as prophesied in the Old Testament that...
Wilson Bentley was called the Snowflake Man because he created photographic proof that no two snowflakes are created alike, a feat only God could do You...
Join us on Monday the 12th as we celebrate the start of our 14th year of ministry here at Now The End Begins On December 10th...
I will never forget the day that the Lord confirmed my call to personal work in the streets by raising up a brother to put a...
Ever restless in his quest to forge a Europe of independent strength, President Emmanuel Macron of France has a new brainchild, the 44-nation European Political Community,...
The apostle Paul lays it out quite clear what you and I are supposed to do in our Christian lives if we are interested in obtaining...
God gave mankind two arms, each ready to be injected with flu and COVID vaccines pushed by government officials, President Biden’s coronavirus adviser Ashish Jha said...
The disobedient young prophet was given a job to do by God, but he chose instead to listen to the voice of the old prophet who...
God has placed the truth about Himself, the Godhead of Father, Son and Spirit, in well over a hundred different places from Genesis to Revelation in...
The prophet Jeremiah got off to a fantastic start, but soon found out that being a prophet for the LORD came at a high cost.
Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see how God has answered prayer in different dispensations and how He answers your prayers now.
Anthony Fauci is caught on a hot mic blaspheming the Name of the LORD Jesus Christ by using it as a curse word against his enemies.
Today’s Sunday Service will be a 2-hour celebration of God’s faithfulness to us-ward, in preaching, praise, prayer and testimony. It was one year ago, at the...
The Bible shows us the future of all the nations that forget God, and places America at the top of the list to be judged for...
The angel of the Lord appeared to Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Gideon, and Manoah just to name a few, and that Angel was Jesus Christ.
The Trinity is not Catholic doctrine, it is Bible doctrine, and when we cross-reference Numbers 6 with places like John 16 & 17, we see some...
Democrat New York Gov. Kathy Hochul invited her congregation to 'receive the vaccine from God' because 'I need you to be my apostles'.
Where God gives His peace, there is nothing this world can do to take it away, and where God will not give peace, there is nothing...
Tonight I want to show you from both the Old and New Testaments that you finding the will of God for your life depends a lot...
You need to support and strengthen your immune system on a daily basis not just because of COVID, but because heart disease, cancer and dozens of...
This morning, I want to bring you hope and salvation if you're lost, and I want to remind you if you're saved of what awaits you...
John Legend, Keith Urban Lead Singing of Atheist National Anthem ‘Imagine’ at Tokyo Olympics 2021 Opening Ceremony in Japan.
For those of you who've long said that you wanted to "live in bible times", your wish is being granted to the Nth degree right here...