We serve God not out of duty or obligation so much as because He alone is worthy to receive honor because of what He's already done...
Today I want to preach a message on our heavenly Father, and rekindle our relationship with Him as His blood-bought children.
The psalmist says 'thy word is true...from the beginning', that is a very powerful statement to make. From the beginning of what? From the beginning of...
The bible shows us Jesus Christ as the direct and visible manifestation of God the Father, not 3 Gods, but one God revealed in body, soul...
Today I would like to bring you a message on God's promise to save His chosen people, and restore His holy land to a right relationship...
Tonight we will examine the trials and suffering of Christians and non-Christians from God's perspective as recorded in our King James Bibles.
Today we will explore the current 'prophecy explosion' and see how well it lines up with the revealed and preserved word of God as found in...
If you want to hear from God, our King James Bible study will show you exactly how to do achieve that but be warned, it will...
When we truly become Christians who are willing to follow Jesus at all costs, you can rest assured it will cost you something.
Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful...
Join us tonight as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ, bow down before Him, and ask the Lord for a fresh perspective in these...
President Trump was able to make all the enemies of God, the Bible, and the United States of America reveal and identify themselves.
Join us tonight as we travel through time to see how God has already judged nations and better understand if we are being judged right now.
Our message this morning is a clarion call to the Body of Christ here in America and around the world, to rise up and get something...
Starting Monday, chief demon of the House Nancy Pelosi will use every dirty trick at her disposal to get President Trump impeached next week.
Trump did exactly what God put him in power to do, but we told you that it was for judgment, and not to make America great...
The same God that prepares us to minister for Him in His harvest fields is the same God who will bring us safely home, all we...
Whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden is our next president, we will arrive at the exact same place regardless. God is judging the whole world.
What you are watching now is our elected leaders betraying America and bringing in the New World Order long prophesied in the bible.
America for decades has screamed at God to get out, and now it appears He is honoring that request with Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA.
Pope Francis told a group of parents of LGBTQ+ children yesterday that “God loves your children as they are” and “the church loves your children as...
2020 is the year that the whole world was set on fire as God begins the process of judging the earth and its inhabitants in the...
We are looking at the window of grace that God gave us with the miraculous and unprecedented victory that God gave Donald Trump back in 2016,...
Rightly dividing is taking what God has written, in the context where we find it, seeing to whom the Lord is speaking, so that we will...