Near the end of the debate Thursday night, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly asked conservative Republican Sen. Ted Cruz if he’d had “any word from God.”
The Huffington Post ran an article yesterday, written by a "licensed minister" Alexander J. Barron, in the "Missionary Baptist" tradition, whose main focal point is that...
Don't get me wrong, God hates same-sex "marriage", and He hates everything associated with the LGBT lifestyle just like He hates all sin. But ask yourself...
On March 21st, CNN aired a program called The Friendly Atheists Next Door. March 22nd, viewers were treated to What Type of Atheist Would You Be?...
In this live, 2-hour show we present to you the shocking, exclusive claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please join our interactive chat room where we...
It's the Devil's plan, in these last days, to convince the world that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and Allah, are one and the...
The Allah of the Koran is not the same as the God of the Bible. Allah wants to make you a Muslim, God wants to set...
As aging fast food megalith McDonald's creaks into an uncertain future, Chick-fil-a steps into the spotlight to take center stage
On tonight's program, we look at the biblical reasons for why God will not allow you to stay in your comfort zone for too long if...
There is no fear of God in the eyes of Israelis today. Yes, there is a form of "godliness", but the God of Abraham, Issac and...
The microphone she was yelling into was turned off, but lawmakers and staffers report she was ranting about Free Masons, the devil and the House being...
On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!”...
Astronomers have discovered the largest known structure in the universe, a clump of active galactic cores that stretches 4 billion light-years from end to end.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life" John...
President Obama’s Thanksgiving message eschewed any direct reference to thanking God, making this the fourth straight year in which the President of the United States has...
Chrislam founder Rick Warren has joined forces with California mosques to adopt a 3-step plan for ending enmity between evangelical Christians and Muslims.
Rep. Randy Forbes, (R-VA), said the Air Force removed the logo several weeks ago from the Rapid Capabilities Office. The patch included a line written in...
"With all due respect we don't need God on our sidelines," Suggs said. "Once again God had to save Tim Tebow and the Denver Broncos. He...
Tebow Time! And when the shouting was over, Mr. Tebow did what he always does—he pointed skyward and took a knee in prayer. In postgame interviews,...
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
Nature is pummeling the United States this year with extremes. Unprecedented triple-digit heat and devastating drought. Deadly tornadoes leveling towns. Massive rivers overflowing. A billion-dollar blizzard....
There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. In "A Brief History of...
Passengers were praying: 'God, save our flight! Give us your protection!' Terrified passengers aboard a blazing jetliner prayed together before the plane made an emergency landing...
Every time America or the world suffers from any natural disaster, terrorist attack or tragedy, we hear the phrase ‘’my thoughts and prayers.” This morning when...