Matan Vilnai said that Israel was “ready as never before”. “The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts,”...
Iranian Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi referred to Israeli threats of a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities as "as sign of weakness," by "brainless leaders," according to...
At its present rate of enrichment, Iran will have 250 kilograms of 20-percent grade uranium, exactly enough to build its first nuclear bomb, in roughly six...
Hezbollah MP Walid Sakariya told Lebanese television this week that the nuclear weapon Iran is allegedly developing is intended to annihilate Israel.
Saudi King Abdullah invited Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for an extraordinary summit of Muslim leaders to be held this month in the holy city of Mecca,...
On July 27, just before Friday prayers, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei summoned top Iranian military chiefs and said “We’ll be at war within weeks,”
Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said today that the ultimate goal of world forces must be the annihilation of Israel. Speaking to ambassadors from Islamic countries ahead...
A tiny seal has been uncovered that could be the first archaeological evidence of Samson, the Biblical slayer of Philistines. Archaeologists discovered the ancient artifact while...
The CIA considers Israel its No. 1 counterintelligence threat in the agency's Near East Division, the group that oversees spying across the Middle East, according to...
White House spokesman Jay Carney refused to directly say which city is the capital of Israel during a press briefing Thursday, saying only “our position has...
Russian, Western and Arab forces were piling up on Syrian borders Wednesday, July 25, bringing closer a war confrontation which could spur the Assad regime into...
Israel is preparing for a possible military intervention in Syria in case the Syrian government hands missiles or chemical weapons to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Defense Minister...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it "an Iranian terror attack" and promised a tough response. "This is an Iranian terror attack that is spreading across...
The Pentagon is building a missile defense radar station at a covert location in Qatar, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. The site will be part...
The time has come for the disappearance of Israel and the West from the face of the universe, a senior Iranian official was quoted as saying...
Iran said on Tuesday it had successfully tested medium-range missiles capable of hitting Israel as a response to threats of attack, the latest move in a...
The Roman Catholic Church in the Holy Land on Monday hailed the granting by UNESCO of world heritage status to the Church of the Nativity in...
Cleric Introduces Egypt's New President: Our Capital 'Shall Be Jerusalem, Allah Willing'. The Muslim Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi has officially won Egypt's presidential election and will be...
Palestinians have fired over twenty rockets from Gaza into southern Israel since midnight on Friday, police said. Fifteen of those landed in the Lachish region, and...
U.S. intelligence agencies are closely watching Israel’s military for signs it will conduct strikes on Syria’s stockpiles of chemical weapons, amid concerns the deadly nerve agents...
Militants crossed from Egypt's turbulent Sinai Peninsula into southern Israel on Monday and opened fire on civilians building a border security fence, defense officials said. One...
A Christian village in Israel is teaching Aramaic in an effort to revive the ancient language that Jesus spoke - centuries after it all but disappeared...
Americans should be very alarmed upon realizing that Obama's greatest foreign policy triumph has been to hold Israel back from stopping Iran from launching a nuclear...
The U.K. Foreign Office says that "Israel maintains that Jerusalem is its capital city, a claim not recognized by the UK and the international community. The...