Jesus is the Lion King from the tribe of Judah, and his coronation day will take place at the Second Advent There is a Disney movie...
The Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is Bible doctrine, and is found in both the Old and New Testaments of your King James Bible, how you...
The ordinance of the Lord’s supper is a call for all Christians to remind themselves of the true cost of salvation and to live in the...
The Bible clearly teaches us that, in the same way dogs will follow and obey their master, so Christians must follow our Master Jesus Christ as...
Biblical repentance toward God unto salvation is the repenting of your disbelief in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God The role that repentance...
If you’re saved, you will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and give an account for the works you did or did not do for...
John the Baptist knew that he must decrease and that Jesus the promised Messiah, must increase, and what follows is a beautiful shower of biblical blessing...
The Church started in persecution, and if the Bible is right, it will go into the Rapture in the flames of tribulation, just not the Great...
You cannot be like Jesus Christ if you have no interest in following him, the apostle Paul lays out for us what true biblical Christianity is...
Rightly dividing shows you the clear doctrinal difference between the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church and the Second Advent of Jesus Christ, that is our topic...
This is the 248th, and perhaps, last 4th of July America will celebrate, but if you’re saved and born again, the future has never looked brighter...
The destruction of the Temple, the sign of the coming of Jesus as the Son of Man, and the end of the world all wrapped up...
Jesus, our Passover Lamb, was crucified as laid out exactly in the book of Exodus where we first read about the 7 Feasts of the Lord...
The Bible Believer’s Guide To The Crucifixion Timeline Starts On A Wednesday, Not On The Roman Catholic ‘Good Friday’ All over the world this Friday, Christians...
Today you will hear an amazing story of redemption, and be reminded of the overwhelming importance of our Bibles Behind Bars program in the lives of...
Both the ministries of the prophet Daniel and the apostle John have amazing overlapping areas as they reveal to us what shall take place in the...
A shocking portrait of an obviously gay ‘Jesus’ has been released for Easter Holy Week 2024 in Spain, but the image actually shows you Antichrist. No...
I see many saved Christians walking around in a bitter spirit, with hate in their hearts. These things ought not to be when we know the...
As a result of these evangelistic outreaches, nearly 1,000 people have prayed to receive Jesus Christ, with a quarter million of free Bibles, New Testaments and...
Self-pity is usually birthed through feeling you didn’t get something you felt you deserved, and it gives birth to jealousy and hatred. Recently I heard a...
Jesus uses Saul as the archetype example of what grace is all about, and makes him the apostle for the Church in the brand-new Age of...
King David was the greatest king that Israel ever had because he was satisfied in the LORD and his relationship with Him was the most important...
The only way that perfect justice could meet with perfect mercy, would be to have an act of perfect love such as we see contained in...
We didn’t get dressed up, had no costumes, and wished no one a ‘happy Halloween’, we simply sat in our driveway in front of a John...