The thief on the cross got saved without baptism, good works or church attendance, so what can we learn from that here at the end of...
Christian teen Baylee Holbrook died in a tragic lightning strike but her death sparked revival at her Palatka High School as hundreds profess faith in Jesus...
All born again believers who follow the Lord Jesus Christ as Christians should absolutely consider themselves to also be Zionists if they believe the Book. I...
To the untrained eye, it might have appeared that Lazarus was draped in rags of death and rotting, but in actuality he was ‘safe behind the...
Joseph was rejected by his brothers, given up for dead and rose again to be seated at the right hand of power as a perfect type...
And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder. This is the ‘smiting stone’ that’s coming soon....
The Bible makes salvation simple, people make it hard and complicated, and here’s how you witness Jesus Christ to lost people. Your King James Bible presents...
The Bible is filled with accounts of God radically changing the lives of people who consecrated their lives to service to Him, and He will do...
The Satanic Temple expects its second annual convention – SatanCon 2023 – held in Boston this weekend, and dedicated to Boston Mayor Michelle Wu — to...
In the Bible there is a cup of God that presents itself in two ways, service and judgment. Which one will you be drinking from? One...
Handing out NTEB Street Preacher gospel tracts and leaving them in public places is one of the easiest ways you can be a witness for the...
No such thing as a limited atonement in the Bible as far as what Jesus did on the cross is concerned, the atonement God provided becomes...
At the resurrection, Death couldn’t handle Him, and the grave couldn’t hold Him. Jesus of Nazareth, that’s my King, do YOU know Him? In 1976, Baptist...
On Good Wednesday, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross at Calvary as The Passover Lamb who paid for our sins in God’s own blood. Here...
Leading evangelical Christians are publicly urging Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scuttle legislation introduced by ultra-Orthodox members of his coalition that would punish Christian attempts to...
We live in a day and time where the doctrine of the rapture of the Church is hated, despised and denied by a majority of professing...
Satan is coming for the Church, flashing the ‘peace sign’ and singing Kumbaya. It’s later than you think it is, Christian, now what? Look around you,...
Did Jesus go to Hell after finishing the payment on the cross at Calvary? Yep, He sure did, and what happens next will blow you away!...
If we are willing to serve the Lord Jesus as good stewards here and now, the Bible says that He is willing to serve us in...
A man inside the Mall of America last week was ordered by security guards to remove his T-shirt that read ‘Jesus is the only way’ in...
Today, we entrust our beloved Pope emeritus Benedict XVI to our Most Holy Mother Mary, that she may accompany him in his passage from this world...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Join us on Monday the 12th as we celebrate the start of our 14th year of ministry here at Now The End Begins On December 10th...
There is much joy in the ministry of the Lord Jesus, and much heartbreak as well that most Christians are not aware of Oftentimes we will...