We serve God not out of duty or obligation so much as because He alone is worthy to receive honor because of what He's already done...
The bible shows us Jesus Christ as the direct and visible manifestation of God the Father, not 3 Gods, but one God revealed in body, soul...
In Mark 3, we have the account of the man with the withered hand who is asked by Jesus to do something impossible in order to...
Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane is an amazing picture of the fulfillment of bible prophecy in a way so stunning many commentators miss it.
The main theme of the bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is not sin, it's not the cross, and it's not anything other than the revelation of...
Tonight we will examine the trials and suffering of Christians and non-Christians from God's perspective as recorded in our King James Bibles.
Today I would like to bring you a much-needed reminder of the power of the resurrection and the promise of the pretribulation rapture of the Church.
No where in the bible does it say or even imply that Jesus could not carry His own cross, that is entirely speculation on the part...
My message today is on our status as ambassadors for Jesus Christ, and this amazing ministry of reconciliation He has given us to accomplish.
On March 14th, 1991, at right around a minute to midnight I got on my knees in front of a King James Bible and asked Jesus...
The book of Isaiah, written in 760 BC, is one of the most amazing books in the bible, and in fact is a template for the...
On this Valentine's Day, I would like to bring you a message on the greatest love you will ever know, and how it prepares you to...
Join us tonight as we lift up the name of Jesus Christ, bow down before Him, and ask the Lord for a fresh perspective in these...
America is a place where we live, but our home is not here, it is in New Jerusalem in Heaven with Jesus Christ. So act like...
President Trump was able to make all the enemies of God, the Bible, and the United States of America reveal and identify themselves.
The creation of Santa Claus is to indirectly attack the deity of Jesus Christ and attempt to replace Him with a representative of Satan.
The Lord has placed on my heart to preach a 'battle call' message, assemble the troops, and waken the sleeping, lukewarm Church from its slumber.
The death, burial and resurrection of Jonah who went to Hell and came back as an amazing type picture of Jesus Christ and His death, burial...
Jesus Christ not only paid for our sins on the cross at Calvary, but He became sin for us in the pit of Hell after He...
Gold is found in Heaven, gold is found in the Temple, gold is connected to the creation of man, and gold is connected to Jesus Christ...
When the new versions remove the word 'begotten" from John 3:16, they are removing a reference to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
The blazing, all-consuming sun is an excellent picture of the white-hot holiness that is Jesus Christ, and a terrifying picture of His wrath and judgment.
BLM Anarchist Shaun King Calls For Destruction Of Jesus Christ Statues, Churches: ‘White Supremacy,’ ‘Oppression,’ ‘Racist Propaganda’
Jon Steingard, the frontman of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson, has told fans that he 'no longer believes in God' shows perils of easy believism.