All through the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, we seeing Jesus preparing the Jews to receive a coming kingdom, something He calls the Kingdom of...
When Jesus invites you to cast all your care on Him, He knows what He's talking about, He knows what it's like to have your particular...
Jesus and the real story of His birth has nothing to do with the Roman Catholic holiday called Christmas and everything to do with end times...
Netflix releases ‘gay Jesus’ Christmas Special 'The First Temptation Of Christ' so where is the gay Mohammed movie about the moon god Allah?
Isaiah prophesied about the both the First and Second Comings, the time of Jacob's trouble, the Antichrist, the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ and the Temple.
In the latest edition of La Repubblica, Pope Francis tells interviewer, Eugenio Scalfari that Jesus of Nazareth was not God while incarnate as a man.
Joy Behar at The View changed the lyrics to a worship song about the birth of Jesus and made it into an anthem calling for the...
In his new book 'Caesar's Messiah' bible scholar Joseph Atwill exposes Jesus Christ as a hoax created by the Romans to keep the Jews in Palestine...
The myth that Jesus was a Palestinian dates back to the days of Yasser Arafat, and now this myth has been picked up by Muslim congresswoman...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be looking at what is commonly referred to as Palm Sunday from an historical, inspirational and doctrinal perspective.
Here are 7 things that no one ever told you about the real meaning of Christmas, and the birth of baby Jesus as recorded in the...
Jesus told His astonished disciples that God's standard for forgiveness was ten times that amount, minimum. Forgive your brother 7 times? No, try 490 times
As the Church Age comes to a close, we are reminded that while it will end in failure corporately, the invitation to each and every one...
Archaeologists have found where the biblical city of Cana in Galilee where Jesus began His earthly ministry, turning water into wine in the first of miracles.
So why do all the Liberal comedy sites like Buzzfeed feel complete liberty to mock and belittle Christians and our Saviour Jesus? Why not mock Mohammed?
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we will be exploring the time when King Jesus will rule and reign on the Throne of David for one thousand...
God commands born again Christians in 2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) to not only study the scriptures, but to also to rightly divide them. It fun and...
The evangelical pastor Robert Jeffress delivering a blessing at Monday’s opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem is a “religious bigot” who is unworthy of such...
From claimed appearances of Jesus everywhere from Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida, all the way over to the Arab world and down to Africa, people are...
On the cross at Calvary, Jesus of Nazareth willingly shed His blood as a payment for sin. More specifically, as a payment for your sin, and...
The theology program at the Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross has taken on a new tone ever since the school appointed a gender-obsessed Chair of...
The women of ABC News' “The View” took a shot a Vice President Mike Pence’s Christian faith on Tuesday, mocking the former governor of Indiana for...
He may be one of the most famous figures in history, but it appears the Google Home smart speaker doesn't know who Jesus is.
And there it is, the reason why we must become born again if we wish to enter into the kingdom of God. After Adam and Eve...