On Monday night in Philadelphia, John McCain offered a total and complete rejection of the world view offered by the leader of his party.
Senator John McCain of Arizona announced on Friday that he would oppose the latest proposal to repeal the Obamacare Affordable Care Act.
It was the most dramatic night in the United States Senate in recent history. RINO John McCain killed the Obamacare Repeal.
U.S. Sen. John McCain revealed Wednesday evening that he has a brain tumor. Treatment options may include a combination of chemotherapy and radiation.
Sen. John McCain in 2012 turned over nearly $9 million in unspent funds from his failed 2008 presidential campaign to a new foundation bearing his name.
“We’ve seen this movie before,” John McCain told CBS News’s Bob Schieffer. “I think it’s reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.."
The world "cries out for American and European leadership" through the EU and Nato, US senator John McCain said on Friday
Sworn Donald Trump enemy John McCain admitted Wednesday that he passed the dossier of claims of a Russian blackmail plot against the president-elect.
John McCain is seen talking intently with Ibrahim al-Badri, otherwise known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader and commander of the Islamic State in Iraq, otherwise...
On Tuesday, Sen. John McCain suggested that Fox News host Brian Kilmeade was Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!”...