In just the first 5 weeks of 2024, we have sent Bibles to supply preachers who minister in the jails, preachers who work to help people...
Tonight we open the pages of our trusty King James Bibles to see where on the end time timeline all these things taking place fit in...
Tonight as we look at Bible prophecy that gives you information like people’s names, birthplaces, identities and historical events like the Holocaust all written about 200...
I see many saved Christians walking around in a bitter spirit, with hate in their hearts. These things ought not to be when we know the...
In the Church Age, your ‘good news’ of salvation is not clothing, boats or tablets of stone, it is believing on the death, burial and resurrection...
One chaplain writes ‘So I am reaching out to you, actually, praying and pleading, that you could ship several cases of bibles” Can we? As your...
In the past month, as war rages against Nigerian Christians, God is using the NTEB Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program to put King James Bibles...
I am not a fan of ‘New Year’s Resolutions’ but why don’t you resolve to be a better witness for the Lord in 2024 than you...
There Are 7 In Your King James Bible starting In Genesis and going all the way clear through to Revelation, we’re looking for the Pretribulation Rapture...
Contained within our dusty, old archaic King James Bible, the answer to any question raised by the scriptures is already present in the scriptures, you just...
Pray the Lord will give them a harvest of souls at the prison, pray for Bro. Spurgeon’s messages, and pray for the inmates who will all...
Bibles Behind Bars is a little more than one year old, and the Lord is already giving us all the fruit we can handle as revival...
On this special Middle East edition of the NTEB Open Forum, we answer all your Bible questions related to the end times timeline of prophecy With...
The whole world went to war over the Jews and the ‘Jewish Question’, here is what the Christian response from the Bible ought to be What...
The King James Bible Baptist Church is located in the heart of New York City, truly the front lines of the end times, and they need...
My message today is on religious revival versus biblical revival, and when I am through you will know exactly what real revival is, and how you...
Join us as we begin a brand-new multipart ‘Rightly Dividing’ series on spiritual warfare in the closing moments of the Church Age This is our brand-new...
There is indeed a ‘great dechurching’ happening right now, your King James Bible calls it the falling away and it is nearly complete Davis and Graham...
Join us as we begin a brand-new multipart ‘Rightly Dividing’ series on spiritual warfare in the closing moments of the Church Age This is our brand-new...
Join us as we visit with Bro. Roy Bell as he tells us what it’s like to be the one behind the bars and waiting for...
Let’s do a quick King James Bible study on the many appearances and inferences of the letter ‘x’ in relation to the Antichrist and his coming...
Our latest billboard lets the world know that Christians stand on the preserved word of God as found in the pages of the King James Bible....
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Women are being erased by transgenders as nations rush to create killer robot soldiers powered by AI, just another day on the front lines of the...