Tonight we go digging in our King James Bibles for the truth about the Jews, Israel and the start of biblical Christianity. You’ll be amazed! You...
The Southern Baptist Convention is an organization that has, sadly, but firmly joined up with the end times Laodicean Church. The decline of the Southern Baptist...
The Santa Rosa Correctional Institution and Annex houses 2,500 inmates and I would love for us to give every single one of them a King James...
Time is the most precious commodity we have, and all through the Bible we are called to redeem it From the moment you were born, an...
The King James Bible has been removed from a number of schools in the Davis School District in Utah after a committee found it contained ‘vulgarity...
Then he said, “Look at this bible. This is MY bible.” I will not let it out of my sight. I get to KEEP it.” Alan...
Your King James Bible has a lot to say about the doctrines of marriage, divorce and remarriage, the question is can you receive it? If you’re...
The main theme of your King James Bible is all about the coming King Jesus Christ and the coming kingdom He will receive in the Millennium...
I told him we are King James Bible only at the Bookstore and his demeanor instantly changed. Sensing a shift, I started to ‘wrap things up’...
A new variant of COVID-19 dubbed ‘Arcturus’ is behind a fresh surge of coronavirus infections in India right now, and it’s found only in your King...
Of course, no answer to any Bible question is true and accurate if it is not rightly divided accorded to 2 Timothy 2:15, and dispensationally correct...
Deliverance ministries are all the rage in 2023, but what does your King James Bible have to saying about casting out demons in the Church Age?...
The true currency of the Book is blood, and we invite you to come with us to see the blood from God’s perspective I spent some...
On March 14th, 1991, I opened up a free Bible from a free Bible program and got saved. 32 years later, all of us here at...
Careful! The streets are lined with a trail of lukewarm Christians who swore the falling away could never happen to them, but it did. Don’t let...
The whole world has been buzzing about revival lately, let’s open our King James Bibles and see what Holy Spirit revival actually looks like! For the...
Would you take a moment to help us send 700 King James Bibles to the Houston County Detention Center in Perry, Georgia? The email we received...
The gender of God has prompted debate within the Church of England, with many calling for male pronouns He and Him, as well as reference to...
Most Christians do not know the difference between the body of Christ and the local Church, and as you will see, there are some huge differences...
Our Bibles Behind Bars program is bearing fruit and much fruit thanks to the faithful prayers and generous giving of God’s people A prisoner in the...
Join us tonight on this episode of ‘Rightly Dividing’ as we go looking for angels…and find them! Quite often I will get questions from people regarding...
Join us for New Year’s Eve as we come before the Lord and ask Him to give us everything we need to send out one million...
Join us for Part 4 of our ongoing look at the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, featuring chapters 11-13 in the book of Revelation. Understanding end times...
Your King James Bible faithfully preserves doctrinal truth in Acts 8 that the modern versions seek to destroy If you have a King James Bible, when...