It is my prayer that this Sunday Service message will awaken in you a desire to minister to the least of these, wherever they may be...
A senior bishop of the Church of England said this week the Church has no ‘official definition’ of a woman amidst an evolving understanding of gender...
Starting with Adam’s bride, Eve, taken from his own body, we look at the myriad types of the Bride of Christ in your King James Bible....
In the births of Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, and Esau and Jacob we see a recurring propetical theme that begins in Genesis 3 and...
What do Eliezer, Rebekah and the man with the pitcher of water in the upper room in the New Testament have in common? As it turns...
If present trends hold, we will finish the year up 500% over the amount of King James Bibles and New Testaments that the NTEB Free Bible...
God has placed the truth about Himself, the Godhead of Father, Son and Spirit, in well over a hundred different places from Genesis to Revelation in...
David was the greatest king that Israel ever had, and he is a wonderful type of the coming King who will sit on his throne for...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at Bible prophecy ripped from the headlines, and we start with what is and what is not...
Click to come see what’s new and exciting at Saint Augustine’s only Christian Bookstore unashamedly featuring the time-honored King James Holy Bible of the Reformation. On...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are venturing into territory marked out by popular Charismatics like Joel Osteen, Paula White, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland and...
My entrance into the kingdom of God didn't start with the shed blood of Jesus Christ, it started with a Book telling me about the shed...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are taking a fresh look at some of the most beloved passages in your King James Bible, and filtering...
When we rightly divide the 4 gospels, we see that Matthew, Mark and Luke walk together in virtual lockstep, while the gospel of John takes a...
If we stay on the track we are right now, we will have given out roughly 32,000 free King James Bibles by the year's end, both...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at some 'rookie mistakes' that Christians can make when it comes to rightly dividing, and when these...
Want to hear something funny? We have been purchasing so many Ruckman Reference Bibles for our Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program, that they have once...
On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the most-explosive Book ever written, the Holy Bible as preserved by God, and in that Book we...
We are so very excited to be holding the 2nd Annual NTEB Camp Meeting Weekend here in beautiful Saint Augustine Florida, and you are invited to...
Part 2 of another exciting NTEB open forum question and answer King James BIble study on this episode of Rightly Dividing.
Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see how God has answered prayer in different dispensations and how He answers your prayers now.
In 2021, the Lord greatly expanded our NTEB Free King James Bible, Gospel Tract and Billboard programs with 2022 off to a great start.
I believe the King James Bible is inerrant, inspired, and is in fact the preserved word of God, something I cannot say about any of the...
The false teaching that the term 'falling away' refers to the action of the Rapture of the Church is actually an attack on the King James...