Here are 7 things that Dr. Peter S. Ruckman taught me about the Holy Bible that led me to be a street preacher and teacher of...
In Revelation 22 we see what eternity looks like, how life will operate, and how eternal life will be given to everyone who is not part...
In Revelation 20, we are presented with a magnificent and terrifying scene the Bible calls the great white throne judgment, and it is awesome.
You are invited to come to the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore on Tuesday November 2nd for an amazing, in-store, one night only presentation of an original...
We are so happy to bring your our brand-new line of NTEB Scripture Verse drinkware and travel cups with beautiful, hand-drawn original illustrations.
The apostle Paul was stoned to death and woke up in a place he calls the third heaven, and tonight we will visit all three heavens!
The pulpits have gone silent because there is a famine spreading across the world, a famine for hearing the words of the LORD.
If YOU were called to defend the preservation of God's word as found within the pages of the King James 1611 Holy Bible, could YOU do...
We show you the shocking truth about the plot to get rid of the King James Bible as exposed in New Age Bible Versions from Gail...
You are invited to come to the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore on Tuesday November 2nd for a presentation of an original King James 1611 Authorized Version...
Archaeologists investigated the destruction of Tall el-Hammam matching the description of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by God recorded in Genesis 19.
Tonight we will enter into this 'great debate' of Calvinism verses Arminianism, and let the Book decided. That's what Bible believers do.
We live in a day and age where you are forced 'pick one' from either Column A wherein resides Calvinism, or from Column B where we...
For thousands of Christians over the last century, Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening has been a daily devotional guide.
Matthew, Acts and Hebrews are the three main transitional books in your King James Bible, bridging dispensations between the Old and New Testaments.
Psalm 118:24 in your King James Bibles telling you to rejoice and be glad is a reference to the Second Coming of King Jesus Christ.
Your King James Bible perfectly anticipated the heresies, cults and apostasies that plague us today warning us from the scripture of truth.
You're invited to join us for a wild, 90-minute 'open forum' King James Bible study where the main topic is questions from your Bible study.
On September 14th, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM EST, we are going to present a first edition King James Bible at the NTEB Bible Believers Bookstore.
The book of Second Corinthians is an incredible book, and one that not only shows you what life is like in full-time Christian ministry, it also...
The prophet Isaiah was never wrong, and we would do well to heed this prophetic word as we stand on the cusp of prophetic fulfillment.
We are looking at reasons from the Bible as to why the true student of scripture must of necessity stand on the authority of the King...
The last days of the Bible covers the time from right before the start of the time of Jacob's trouble all the way up to the...
I just wanted to take a moment to give you an update on our Free Bible Program, and remind you what a tremendous impact we at...